Possible new items and a snowy excursion

Lots going on lately. Stampede got his shoes pulled on new year’s eve. Something to do with the way he moves makes him very scary with shoes on in the winter. He starts to walk and his front feet just start sliding forward. In prior years he has gotten little rhodium studs put on, but then I’ve had issues with too much grip while riding. Not only was the extra grip bad for his joints, it got plan scary last winter when he fell on his knees cantering away from a jump with me because of them. So this year after my good experience with Phoenix, we went barefoot. He did become foot sore, but oddly enough it only showed up at the canter. His trot felt great, so we focused mainly on that in our rides and I wrapped his feet with Magic Cushion at night.

Stampy in his Magic Cushion booties

Stampy in his Magic Cushion booties

Stampede just finished his Robaxin trial so we will see what we have soon enough. There was a marked difference in him after the saddle fitter had me add the shim on the left side, but he was becoming more angry on the ground at the same time. I’m thinking that his attitude towards me on the ground is just because I was showing up twice a day for a month and shoving disgusting flavored applesauce in his mouth. We shall see.

Most of the snow has melted now, but last weekend we had a good time walking around outside after our rides.

The view from atop Mt. Stampede

The view from atop Mt. Stampede



So I had been lusting over several things in the Dover catalog and finally gave into the insane shipping prices and made an order. I got a narrow gullet plate for Phoenix’s Pessoa since the saddle fitter agreed with me that either I had to use the mattes pad or I needed the narrow plate. I wanted to use my Oglivy pad, so narrow plate it is! It is super scary changing out those plates though, I was so worried I was going to ruin something.

Anyways, on to the items I need input on. I got the boys a second cooler, because currently they share one. I do have an older one my husband bought me but P swims in it and it doesn’t cool the horse down as well as the new one. Since my friend Christie got her wool cooler I’ve been lusting over one, thinking it could be a long-term cooler instead of these cheaper ones I keep buying. So I bought the dover brand one since it was on sale. What do you think? It wasn’t as soft as Christie’s but it also hasn’t been moved around or used yet, so maybe it will soften?

P modeling the new cooler, couldn't fit his head and body in the picture!

P modeling the new cooler, couldn’t fit his head and body in the picture!

The second item I ordered was a pair of the Middleburg tall boots. I’ve only had one pair of tall boots in my life (yes I’m in my late 20’s), and they are pull ons and I despise having to have someone pull them off me. Based on all of my research for the past couple years the only boots tall enough for me would be of the following categories:

1) Custom ($$$)

2) Sergio Grasso XHE height ($$$)

3) Ariat ($$ and blah)

4) Middleburg ($ and maybe fit)

So I ordered the Middleburgs and was shocked when I opened the box. They are so soft and the style is great. I put my foot in and that worked (I wear and 11 but they only got to 10 but reviews said they ran big), and I zipped them up and they were snug but not a huge fight. BUT, will they be tall enough when they drop? How much will they drop being this snug to my ankle?

First time I put them on

First time I put them on

So torn about these boots!!!

So torn about these boots!!!

So bottom line – they are so cozy I can put my heel down without pain already and they are $200. Should I keep them or continue my quest for the perfect boot? I even had the thought that for $200 I could always turn them into my everyday boot if they become too ugly short for showing but at the same time that would be $200 I wouldn’t have towards the purchase of another pair (and I have three pairs of paddock boots currently because of my warranty issues with Tredstep). Need your opinions!

I will be doing another post soon of items I have for sale, hoping the wider net will help these items find homes since they are still in great shape.

Lesson on Stampy today, he will probably be a sweaty one because we are having a random heat wave in Michigan in January!



  1. Hillary

    Those boots do look nice! I don’t know how they will drop though. My boots have never dropped particularly far but I know other peoples who drop so far they can’t show in them anymore. I guess it depends on how much you intend to wear them – If you like tall boots maybe risk it and they can alwyas be schooling boots – I dont know how much you want to spend on “nice ones” but I have bought Ariats and typically wear them everyday and mine last about 1.5-2 years depending on how I care for them. I don’t really show enough to justify another pair just for showing.

  2. L.Williams

    Those boots will be too short after they drop, unfortunately. 🙁

    I was torn too, recently having gotten new boots, when I was trying them on the Monacos were super expensive, nice but also too soft. And the Sergios I loved more then anything but super expensive.

    I actually went custom, La Mundial, they were $600 and an addition $50 for shipping and handling, then waiting 3 months, Totally worth it and the $600 is the cheapest you can get a fully custom boot. If you can wait and save and then get a pair of those I think it would eb well worth it!

    1. stampyandthebrain

      I begrudgingly put the boots in a box to go back last night. I never get the easy fix with anything and it’s a bummer. I really thought 20″ tall would be enough.

      I almost got la mundials at Rolex last year but then got scared by the bad reviews on COTH. I will have to figure out where I would need to go to get measured. I would love Sergio’s too, but the price tag is high and I need to recheck height now since it seems I need 20.5 or 21″ tall. Ugh.

      1. L. Williams

        Well, the internet ate my long reply. Essentially I had written, I saw those reviews and was afraid too, but read a series of newer good reviews before I got measured in August 2012. I received my boots in late November 2012 and while initially tight through the calf and ankle, are super comfortable, and the footbed fit perfect for my hard to fit wide feet. Love them.

  3. Karley

    Oh the cooler looks nice! Not sure how it is going to wear though… but it looks great!

    I’d agree that those boots look like they are going to be to short… bummer! L has a great solution/idea for you though!

    Hope the ponies are doing well!

    1. stampyandthebrain

      A few days later when the cooler was still in the bag in my car I knew I wasn’t happy with it. On its way back with the boots. 🙁


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