Post Show Season Ernie Activities

I figured I would share a bit about what Ernie has been up to since show season ended in Early September. First, the obligatory Ernie with post show day curls picture.

After that, Ernie got three weeks of vacation from riding. Two of those weeks were at Morstone Acres (i.e. my house) and then sadly he needed his feet done so for the last part he was back at the boarding barn. This year Ernie had extra fun since Zee is one of his best friends. Before Zee retired the two went out together and were just great buddies. They picked up like no time had passed – grooming each other, grazing close together, and running around.

The crew of three were great together and I loved watching Ernie out my window during the long days of extended tax season deadlines.

I brought Ernie back into work fairly slowly with some nice hacks. Ahead of time I had made a plan for two months off from jumping. We’ve done a couple dressage lessons and a trail ride in addition to regular flat lessons and hacks on our own.

I was lucky to get to go to a new place to trail ride this last time. About an hour away and so much more terrain.

Our new experience beyond just going to a new trail system was walking through a decent sized creek. Ernie was definitely not sure about it, but eventually he was coaxed into the water and was totally fine while actually in it. So much fun.

We’ve also made sure to fit in as many field rides as we can while the weather cooperates. October had a lot of rain, so it wasn’t as much as we would have preferred.

Ernie jumped for the first time since coming back into work this past Saturday. I always forget how much this horse loves to jump. He was definitely feeling himself and made sure to fit in some victory laps (i.e. having no brakes after finishing the course so we have to circle around).

Hoping for a few more adventures before winter sets in, but we will see!

What have you been up to this fall?



  1. Stacie Seidman

    Sounds like a great post-show season plan! Ernie is looking great, and I’m glad you’re having fun with him both in the show ring and out on the trails!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thank you. Always trying to have a good balance and of course find time for fun adventures!


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