TBT – Mr P

Taking you back to October 2010, a couple months after I got P back. This is the picture I used to update his registration with the APHA. He was 21 at the time and extremely handsome!


Had a work recruiting event last night at my alma mater Bowling Green State University. Got to the barn right before it closed and did stampy’s exercises really quick. The swelling is almost all gone, woo hoo!

Thanks to hubs for going out to the barn to check Stampy’s back during the day and sending pictures since I was worrying. Then he went back at night to take them out for grass while I was taking forever to get to the barn. Love him!

Riding P tonight then I will be getting back on Stampy for the first time Friday (continuing to cross fingers).



  1. Lauren

    I didn’t realize he was that old! He looks great πŸ™‚

    1. stampyandthebrain

      Thanks πŸ™‚

  2. Karley

    He looks amazing for 21!!!

    1. stampyandthebrain

      Thanks! I need to take a similar shot to compare to him now at 24. I think he’s similar but fatter, lol.


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