The leg saga continues and clean tack

I gave Stampy most of the week off since he wasn’t quite right last Sunday. I got on him Friday and he felt better, but he still didn’t seem to be willing to use his back-end as well as usual. My friend took some video (I’ll post if I can remember my youtube password) and he was even but not reaching as far. Anyways, we trotted for 10 minutes and he seemed totally happy to just hack around. I decided to check out the canter, and he was happy one way, but a little strange the other. Got on him again today and he felt better yet. Even felt good enough to try to take off with me to a ground pole when I did a couple of times around cantering. He has a weird swelling on the right hind just below the ankle, but it’s not a super scabby area so I have no idea what that’s about. I got some good pictures of the scabs after I washed his legs today. He was actually super cooperative for his leg washing and has been better for the leg wrappings, so he must be feeling better. I think a lot of these scabs are getting ready to fall off, but I’m not going to rush it.

Inside left hind

Inside left hind

Outside left hind

Outside left hind

Outside right hind - see weird swelling at the front towards the top of the shaved part

Outside right hind – see weird swelling at the front towards the top of the shaved part

So with Stampede sort of out of commission, and feeling like I had nothing to work on, I decided to join the lesson Saturday and just do a flat on Phoenix. I had a lot of fun, P is always so cooperative and happy to do his job and I could work on myself. We did a lot more trot work than I usually do with him, but he kept right up with everyone else and wasn’t even sweaty afterwards. Love that boy. Gave him a sore no more rub down and some extra treats.

My Butet had gotten super disgusting, and it’s probably best that I didn’t take a before picture. Embarrassing to let such an expensive saddle get that nasty! Anyways, this weekend I cleaned both saddles, both bridles, and both bits, so I feel better. I did take after pictures of the Butet.

Clean Butet!

Clean Butet!

Butet seat

Butet seat

Anyone have an idea for how to even out the color on the seat of my saddle? I’ve never had one do this, but I’ve also never had an expensive saddle before this one. You can tell which side I like to sit towards…

Stampede will get his first foot trim since going barefoot in front tomorrow. I’m so glad I took off his front shoes, he is so much more secure walking around outside without them. Not sure he will be able to handle being barefoot in the summer, but we will see. I see a bareback ride on Phoenix in my future tomorrow night.






1 Comment

  1. Hillary

    I have seen a few butets with marks like that. No clue how to even it out though :/ I am also bad about taking care of my expensive tack :O trying to be better about atleast wiping it off after every ride in the dust bucket that is our indoor though.


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