Playing catchup

So I’ve been a bad blogger. Some catchup to do here. On the plus side I have lots of photos.

The vet came out and did fall shots. She took blood to retest Stampede after his diet changes. His results came back normal this time, so that’s good. We discussed some things with the boys and made a few changes. For Phoenix, we decided to pull his front shoes. His feet have been looking more and more scary, and in particular I have found the wedges alarming. So his shoes have been pulled and we will see where it goes. He’s been surprisingly not sore, although that’s probably because my farrier didn’t trim much off after he pulled the shoes. For Stampede, we decided to put on some shoes that go further back so he’ll have more heel support. I will pull his shoes once the snow flies. We also decided to up his adequan and see if that helps. In general they say to give 5ml, but Stampede is so big that based on weight he should be getting 6.5ml, so that’s what he will be getting now.

Phoenix before – with shoes and wedges

P after – barefoot left front

P After –ย left front sole

So P has had an easy week so he can get used to his new feet. I’ve been getting on him daily and doing lots of walking. Both of the boys have been going trail riding both last week and this week on the weekend. I also have some other cute shots from playing with them in the indoor during the week.

Mr P blazing the trail yesterday

From last weekend – my friend Christie and her horse Mikey with me and Stampy on a trail ride.

Stampy posing in the indoor

This is how P begs for treats – during his play time in the indoor

P posing in the indoor

This is my dog Reilly (Riles) in his favorite owl sweater

Roxy in her Ohio State sweatshirt

Heading to the barn soon, going to ride P a little bit then go on another trail ride with my friend Christie.












  1. Hillary H.

    Glad you’re back and all the animals in your fam are happy and cute ๐Ÿ™‚ enjoy your ride!

    1. stampyandthebrain

      Thanks! I think I’m still recovering from my trip even now. Can’t catch up on anything. Is there a way to subscribe to your blog on the new page so I get an email when you post? I can’t seem to get it to even email me with your responses to comments. I don’t get along with blogger essentially, lol.

  2. Karley

    Love all the animals in their sweaters/blankets! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. stampyandthebrain



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