Anatomical Girths?

First things first. I really want to get an anatomical girth for Stampede because he has a forward girth groove and I’m tired of trying to make things line up. The issue is that I need a 58″ girth. Seems like that really limits my options. While the M. Toulouse Anatomic Girth is a good deal price-wise and comes in his size, it doesn’t have very good ratings on Smartpak. Pretty much anything else I can find only goes up to 54″. Add in that he has also reacted to the dye in cheap leather girth before. I currently use a 56″ Thinline girth on him that gets up to the second hole on each side but has been his favorite. I’m half tempted to try the equi-fit contoured in 56″ just to see if it would run big and fit him, argh. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I rode Stampede tonight and he actually feels good and normal to the right side now. The left has been worse all along and is not quite there, but I’m trying to remain hopeful. I think it’s clear either way that these injections have helped him and worse case I will need to make the decision to do the surgery. I still have many other things to try first though. I actually would like to try the knock-off version of the Pessoa lunging system, but I will have to find out if it will actually be big enough for Stampede.

Do we sense a theme here? My horse is big! At least we are a pair, because nothing fits me either!

Walking around on Stampy after our ride tonight

Walking around on Stampy after our ride tonight

P is doing better now and was quite upset that he wasn’t getting attention when I was taking care of Stampy after my ride tonight. He kept calling me and making his presence known.

Not sure if anyone has experience with it, but I think I’m going to order Smartdigest Ultra for P to see if it helps his tummy troubles that he has been having off and on. I’m also going to buy him a hackamore because I tried one and he really enjoyed it and I love the idea. I plan to try it on Stampede as well, I think he will be a fan since he has a very small mouth that I’ve never really found a good bit for. Too bad we can’t show with a hackamore in equitation.

An old friend posted the following old photos on facebook the other night, didn’t know they existed. Love Mr P!

Old school - jumping at liberty with P

Old school – jumping at liberty with P

Old School - My friend J standing on P - he has ALWAYS been patient

Old School – My friend J standing on P – he has ALWAYS been patient




    1. Hillary H.

      Blah I had a long post about this but County (my saddle brand) makes a lovely anatomical girth. I want one badly but they aren’t cheap and Hue seems okay with what I have so far. I want to make sure he’s done filling out etc before I buy an expensive girth. I think we have 4 or 5 in our barn now and they are great!

      1. stampyandthebrain

        Well stampede is almost 12 and I’m still buying bigger girths. When I bought him he wore a 50 (almost 6), now I really need a 58. Just crazy.
        What size is Hue currently?

      2. Hillary

        He’s just at 54 haha he needs to get a little chubbier IMO though and he’s bulking up as he matures.

        1. stampyandthebrain

          Well worst case we might be able to sell things to each other, lol. All my current girths other than my 56 thinline which I love are just fuzzy ones though. Upset he’s getting too fat for the thinline one but happy he’s not so ribby. He just can’t change so much my saddle stops fitting! Worried about that.
          I keep waiting for you to list horse things for sale that might fit stampy, lol.

  1. Hillary H.

    Haha yeah I need to get that post in line. Hopefully early next week!


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