Part 2: Where chestnuts try to give me a mental breakdown

When I last posted about my saga with the chestnut boys Stampede was recovering from cellulitis and many random scrapes and swellings while P was having liquid farts of unknown cause. I had hoped things would calm down soon since I was heading into tax season (now knee-deep in taxes and overtime), but that has not been the result.

First up, Stampede is mostly healed up besides some hairless spots on his back legs. However, his front ankles are another story. When he got cellulitis in his right front leg it irritated the scar tissue on the front of his ankle and left quite a hole. I thought I had that better until one evening I took off his ankle sore boots to find that both of his ankles were gross. I do have pictures but I will refrain from sharing them because they are gross. Essentially the scar tissue was gone leaving open holes in both ankles. So I’ve been treating those, first with nolvasan cream and now with wonderdust, and keeping him wrapped up in non-stick gauze and vetwrap under his ankle boots.

I’m hoping I don’t have to wrap for too much longer but I think it will be a couple of weeks yet, especially since I know he falls on his ankles sometimes.

After over a week I finally heard back that Phoenix’s diarrhea panel was all negative. So good that he didn’t have Salmonella or anything but bad because I was no closer to getting my pony better. While the Bio-sponge was indeed helping a lot and making management easier, it is just a band-aid. Evidently there was some confusion and no other tests were run. So I limped along for a bit, but after we had a warmer day and the poop was especially bad I decided it was time for a second opinion.

I was able to get the second opinion vet out a couple of days later thankfully. Of course P was having a better poop day when he arrived, but we carried on with an examination. As with before, his teeth looked good and the vet thought weight and muscle for his age were quite good. So he started with the stethoscope listening around and this is where I have to share something I wrote in my last post about the issue.

The vet asks me if I want to listen and there it was, the sound of the ocean in my horse’s gut. So then he asks if I want to x-ray and see how much sand there is. I never knew that was even something you could do. I need to ask for a copy of the x-ray, but at the deepest it was 61mm. A whole 2.4″ deep of sand in my horse!

The vet and I discussed how sometimes certain sand clearing products just don’t work for whatever reason. I had given P weeks of sand clear early on with this issue, a product that has always worked before to clear up slightly wet poop for Phoenix. So the vet prescribed 3 weeks of Assure Guard Gold at the initial double dose ($$$), continue on the Bio-sponge, and 8 oz of mineral oil twice a day with his meals. We are two weeks into that treatment. No real idea if it’s working since mineral oil causes diarrhea on its own but I’m hoping my boy is on the mend.

While second vet was out, I had him take blood to do some general wellness testing and a cushings test. The more I had read about cushings it appeared that maybe our horrendous skin issues over the summer could be a symptom. His only other potential symptom was strange long hairs that grow in with his mane in the winter. Thankfully the general testing was all perfect, but the cushings test he scored 100 when normal is 9-35. So Phoenix started on Prascend last week. Happily he is not one of the one in ten horses who lose their appetite when starting Prascend.

The vet will come back a week after P finishes his mineral oil treatment to take another x-ray and I plan to continue on with the Assure Guard Gold until I use up the container and maybe longer if the vet thinks that might be helpful to Phoenix.

I’m hopeful that the chestnut boys will go back to being lower maintenance one of these days as the nightly ritual of butt cleaning, leg treatment/wrapping, and dosing out supplements and mineral oil in additional to my normal chores is getting tiring. With my luck they will probably wait until after April 15th (tax day) to make my life easier again. They are lucky I love them!



  1. L. Williams

    I’m glad you got down to the root of his diarrhea!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Me too! Now just hoping this treatment works to get all that sand out!

  2. nadsnovik

    Oh man! I’m glad you got things figured out but they don’t make it easy!!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Nope they always have to keep us on our toes that’s for sure!

  3. fishwithfeet

    Oh no! The timing of everything, especially with tax season, is super unfortunately. I hope your redheads get back to feeling better sooner rather than later!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thanks, I hope so. Fingers crossed this sand treatment does it’s job!

  4. Teresa

    Holy crap (literally), that’s a lot of sand. I’ve never heard of such a thing! My fingers are crossed that the treatment works.

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      I know, I was shocked at how much there was looking at the x-ray. Hopefully I can post before and after ones at some point here. Thanks, I’m hoping it works and P can get back to normal.

  5. Rachel - For Want of a Horse

    I see how it is….you spare all of your readers the nasty pictures but I get them text to me regularly?!?! LOL. That’s ok I send you all my gross pictures too. Glad P seems to be on the mend. Stamp and Luther need to knock it off with their ankle crap!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Really it’s that I used snapchat and didn’t save the pictures, lol. Not sure I would have shared them though anyways, it was disgusting. I’m ready for some time without extra pony care requirements!

  6. Stacie Seidman

    Ugh, so much added stress for all of you! But I’m really glad you’re getting to the bottom of things, and hopefully everyone will be feeling better soon. Figures it’s always during your busiest season, doesn’t it?

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Yes it’s like they just know when I’m already busy!

  7. fishwithfeet

    How did the Assure Guard Gold work? Did you get that second xray?

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      It has worked really well, but if you have a horse who isn’t having the level of issues P was you could do the assure plus (what I hope to use after we get him back to normal). Phoenix was down to 1/3 of the amount of sand and instead of it all being clumped together at the lowest point of his gut it was in little piles moving along and on their way out. I really need to get copies of the x-rays to share, it’s so interesting. Vet will be back after 4/15 (tax day = freedom for me) for shots and I’m tempted to do another x-ray yet just to make sure we are good to go, but we will see what he thinks. I’ve been super happy with the product considering how much was in there after giving Phoenix weeks of sand clear to no avail. Vet said sometimes the other products just don’t work for certain horses.


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