Stampy and the Brain
Adventures with my favorite horses
Stampy and the Brain > Phoenix > Wordless Wednesday: Horses in Hats revisited
Author: Stampyandthebrain July 8, 2015 7 Comments
Phoenix, Stampede
ear bonnets, Phoenix, Stampede, wordless Wednesday
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that’s a lovely blue on him!
I have a blue addiction so I’m lucky I have chestnuts since they look good in it!
Love them!
Thanks, took me long enough to sew the ears smaller on P’s bonnet!
Agree with Emma, love the blue!
Thanks, I love all things blue!
Stamp’s fits perfectly! Dang I am good at measuring! Lol
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that’s a lovely blue on him!
I have a blue addiction so I’m lucky I have chestnuts since they look good in it!
Love them!
Thanks, took me long enough to sew the ears smaller on P’s bonnet!
Agree with Emma, love the blue!
Thanks, I love all things blue!
Stamp’s fits perfectly! Dang I am good at measuring! Lol