Here’s the first topic in Equestrian at Hart’s new blog hop. I want to know about what you ride in and why? Show us your Equestrian Fashion choices and tell us why you wear them!
Breeches – Tailored Sportsman Trophy Hunter Mid Rise Side Zip. Yes I am being that specific. Don’t give me any other style, any other rise, or front zip. I want these breeches and that is all.
I have accumulated quite a few pairs of these breeches, mostly in the blue and black color range, but I do have a tan pair for showing.
I now have two Tailored Sportsman belts. I like them and how they look, but I do find it a bit annoying how far apart the holes are, as often I find that I’m between the holes in size so it’s either have a loose belt or suck it in and try not to breathe.
Well first let me admit that I too have Sasquatch feet like Carly…
Let me just put out there that since my old pair of Ariat paddock boots died several years ago I cannot find any good boots that last. Let me list out what I have tried and please share if you have found something good!
Tredstep Giotto – DON’T do it! I got the first pair after I returned some Ariat boots that were turning my feet blue because this was all the tack shop had in my size. They lasted just over 5 months before getting a hole near the sole that was unrepairable. I did get a warranty pair, but after 2 months the seam for the toe cap came undone. I did get that stitched up by a cobbler and they lived another few months before succumbing to a similar fate as the first pair.
Ariats – As I said above, once my pre-college purchased Ariats died, it was all downhill. I can’t remember what the first pair was that turned my feet blue, but I know it was a more expensive model. After the tack shop kept saying I just needed to try this and that (waterproofer, conditioning, give it time, etc) I finally just told them I was done having my socks ruined and my feet looking like I’d been beaten and they took them back.
While waiting on the second pair of Tredstep’s to die, I found a brand new pair of Ariat Monaco paddock boots on eBay for $60, so I had to buy. I figured that the best Ariat had to offer must last right? Well I will say that they have been in service since last November and still continue to give me a blister on one foot off and on. They also only turn my feet blue when they get really wet and it’s not as extreme as the other pair. BUT they are showing signs of not living much more than a year. There is extreme cracking by the sole, and one zipper is having a tough time. I’ve even tried to be nice to this pair and take care of them, sigh. Oh, and to add to my troubles, there is a strange covering on the elastic sides which is peeling off…
First let me say that finding RIDING socks in Sasquatch size is annoying. Even harder to find ones that last. Mine love to get holes in the toes, plus if they are lighter in color they are bound to get turned slightly blue from my boots.

Sock it to Me socks! Hillary actually has to pair on the right. Of these, the argyle are my favorite!

The Horze ones lasted for a length of time equivalent to their cheap price. The Noble Equine socks have lasted really well and I love the vented front but the fabric got very pilled up fast.
Last year I had custom half chaps made locally since I knew if I spent the money they would last. Black with teal piping and black fringe.
Shirts and more
What made me leave riding in just a plain t-shirt in the summer was the coolness that came with trying an Under Armor shirt. So now I have an array of their semi-fitted short sleeve shirts that I rotate in the summer. The best part is that I can then use them for workouts too.
In the winter I have some Under Armor long underwear long sleeve tops, which I put over any zip up I can find, then cover with my North Face coat.

A normal outfit – Black and blue TS, grey UA shirt, Ariat Monaco’s, custom half chaps, Roeckle gloves.
I tend towards Roeckl gloves, mostly for the lightness of the gloves. I hate hand sweat. I currently have a plain black pair for shows the blue argyle ones for every day.
I won’t even talk about my old helmet that I’ve been using for shows besides to say it’s a comfy IRH that needs to retire but has served me well for years. My every day helmet is an IRH Elite Xtreme helmet in long oval. I love the ventilation and it fits me great. Plus I love that it’s grey!
I meant to do a separate review of my helmet visor, but I will just stick it here since I haven’t. For our anniversary in July my husband got me the Soless helmet visor. It’s lighter in weight than other visors on the market, plus you can see through the visor, meaning you don’t lose peripheral vision while riding. I love it! Less squinting and no sun on my face!
The visor stays in place well on its own, even while jumping, but does come with a clip for those who feel less brave about it staying on. Also, a thumbs up to customer service on this product. I thought something was wrong when after my first ride there were bubbles on the underside. I emailed customer service and got a really fast response telling me there was a protective layer I needed to remove and even offering to send me a new one with it already removed. I removed the layer myself and the visor was perfect underneath. I’ve been enjoying my visor on every sunny day since!
So I think that’s all my clothes. This turned out to be a long post, thanks to everyone who made it through!
I love argyle, too. Nice to see one of the Soless visors in action–I’ve been considering one for weeks.
I probably would have been too cheap to buy the Soless myself, but I love it and now that I have it I know it is much nicer than the equivisor.
We have much in common. And I totally understand the devotion to one exact style of TS… I have the same devotion to the low rise front zip! Side zip don’t work for me.
Front zip stab me in my fat and leave a dent. Ouch!
Hahaha the side zip have major gap on me at the waist since my thighs are so disproportionately fat in comparison to my waist. Woot, bottom heavy!
I have almost no butt. Must be the deciding factor!
I’m just like you – mid rise side zip or bust. No other breech compares!
Woo hoo! Now we have to point out deals in them to each other….
All the sock love, and punch extra holes, that’s what I do!
Seems wrong to pay so much for a belt then punch holes. Maybe I’m just crazy though, lol. I need to try a mango bay belt I think.
The quality of paddock boots has drastically declined! I LOVED my old Ariats and kept them until they had holes and were duct taped together. I have been on a search for decent boots since. I had to submit to buying something though when my friend stole my beloved Ariats based on the fact that I looked like a hobo wearing them. And argyle doe rock unless you have tree trunk calves! Lol