Frustration, horse legs, and shopping

It was super cold this week, finally warming up today. Most of the week the wind chills were in the negative numbers. Tuesday was the worst of the days and it happened to be a riding day for Mr P so I decided that since he still needed to move around a bit I would just put some lead ropes on his halter and hop on top of his cooler and wander around. We had a great time wandering around in the indoor alone and trotted a couple of times around each way to stretch the legs. He was actually ready to do more, but it was just way too cold!

Mr P during our quick ride in the cold Tuesday

Mr P during our quick ride in the cold Tuesday

Got a full ride in on P on Thursday though and Christie got on him for me Friday. He is such a good boy. Can’t believe he’ll be 24 in less than two months.

On to the frustration part. Stampede. Why is he always angry? He hasn’t always been this way and I feel like something is wrong but he’s been looked at by two different vets and for the most part my fears of him being in pain are dismissed (my regular vet thinks he has numerous small things going on). He is always sound. He can do his job – walk, trot, canter, and jump. Sometimes he can do his job very well. No matter what though, he does it with his ears back most of the time. Sometimes he goes around with ears pinned, grabbing the bit to jumps, and kicking out in the corners. Yesterday my huge horse was so cranky, hopping up and down in the middle of the lines, refusing to be straight, especially if there was another horse along the rail he could try to attack.

Wednesday we had a great flat lesson, he was willing, adjustable, not resistant at all, although never super happy. I can lunge him and he is like a normal horse, although no other horses are near him. He is petrified of the grooming stalls in the barn again, and I have no idea why. He poops every five seconds, all while swinging his butt back and forth to look at everything. If I leave the grooming area to get something he calls me while I’m gone, but when I come back and try to get him still he gets angry. Move him to the aisle cross-ties and he is cool as a cucumber, just a few feet away from the area he is afraid of.

I know what my horse could be, but I’m not sure if he is unwilling or unable to get there. I guess more vet testing in our future. Not sure what to try next – Chiro, switch to a low nsc feed, hock flexions and x-rays, or scoping for ulcers.

Well here are some updates on Stampede’s leg scabs. If you compare to the pictures in my last post they are slightly better than a few days before.

Stampy and his special booties

Stampy and his special booties

Stampy outside of right rear leg

Stampy outside of left rear leg

Stampy outside right rear leg

Stampy outside right rear leg

The only treatment issue I’m having with wrapping Stampede’s back legs is that the wraps are rubbing other spots on his legs when he moves. Not sure how else to wrap him though. Going to try adding some surgical sponge stuff right below his ankle. Feel free to provide any other ideas you have for wrapping, but I need to cover his coronet band.

This morning I’m heading to Sporthorse Saddlery with some of the ladies at the barn. We have coupons for 40% off all winter wear – horse and human – so hoping to find some good deals.

If you made it through this post thanks for listening to me vent!





  1. Hillary H.

    Hope you figure out what’s up with stampy… We have a horse in the barn that’s a mega grump too. But not as bad as stampy it would seem. 🙁 have fun shopping!

    1. stampyandthebrain

      According to most people I’m exaggerating, maybe because I’m looking for it and feeling it. No good shopping today, just a couple little things. My friend got a saddle to try though and a new blanket.

  2. L. Williams

    OCD in the hocks is my first (non professional) guess since he’s such a large horse.

    1. stampyandthebrain

      I thought that only shows up when they are young (then progresses)? He was almost 6 when I bought him and had clean hocks via x-ray.

  3. Hillary H.

    I think everyone thought I was being dramatic when Hue was being a mega grump about tacking up but I was right and he had something wrong. I wouldn’t brush off your feeling. IMO you probably know him best. Has he always been like this or is it a new development? I hope you can get it worked out I feel terrible for him if he’s as miserable as you say.

    1. stampyandthebrain

      He wasn’t always like this, and it came on very gradually. He is worse in the winter. I’m tempted to try a chiro because he was back sore before, but had a bad experience with that a few years ago. He gets pissy tacking up, but only when he’s in the cross ties, which is also weird. I left my regular vet a message so we will see what she thinks should come next. Hard to find a problem with nothing to point to.


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