Vet Updates and not much riding

Phoenix had a block of his hoof done when the vet was out and that made him sound, so we x-rayed the hoof. It was strange because normally abscesses are black in the x-ray (full of infection and puss), but his is actually white so probably gravel. He still hasn’t popped the abscess yet (ugh), but is somehow slightly less lame. Foot is definitely still warm and he’s still off. He’s been so stir crazy and jealous of his brother that we’ve been doing bareback rides of 20 minutes walking and a small bit of trot to see how lame he is in the middle. He has been completely obnoxious and getting into everything otherwise, so I know he’s not feeling too bad.

P during our bareback walk today

P during our bareback walk today

Stampede had a muscle enzyme exercise test when the vet was out, which came up normal. The vet watched him go and saw that he didn’t step up as well with his right rear leg when I would sit the trot  and collect him on a circle. Pretty precise really, but good to know. She checked him over after my ride and found him to be muscle sore only on the right side of his back. I had wanted the other vet to check his back before, but after watching him go he has dismissed it as a possible problem.

I guess the idea of back soreness being the problem this whole time just doesn’t sound right to me. A few months after I bought Stampede back in 2006 my saddle stopped fitting him and he wouldn’t even let me put it on. He has been cranky about saddling since, but never again has he acted like he did back then. Here are some things I’ve thought of though:

1) Could he be sore from all the saddle switching when I sent the Butet off to be repaneled?

2) Is the gullet of my saddle just not wide enough for his spine even though the tree fits well otherwise?

3) Is my saddle too long (past the last rib)? I can’t find much on this.

3) Is the back soreness due to issues elsewhere (Hocks, SI?)? Vet didn’t seem to think so.

Either way, Stampede is currently doing a Robaxin trial to see if that helps him. The vet said 10 days to two weeks to see any results, so I’m not there yet. Stampede is pretty much cooperating for his twice daily syringing of Robaxin applesauce at least. It must not taste too bad, he was much more angry about the bute when we did that trial. I didn’t ride him much this week, and when I did we were mostly doing walk and trot only. We cantered a little today, but now I plan to just do more walk/trot for most of the week again. Now some pics of Stampy before our ride today, modeling the new saddle pad.

Does mom have treats?

Does mom have treats?


Close up of new saddle pad and Oglivy pad

So the puzzle of Stampede continues. I’m trying to schedule a saddle fitter to come out and check my saddle in person, but there aren’t many options around here.



  1. Hillary H.

    Good luck with the saddle fitter. I hope you can figure out what is going on with stampy and that ps abscess resolves soon.

    1. stampyandthebrain

      I think you would know this, but what do you usually pay for saddle fitter? I’m confused because my saddle has foam panels and obviously they would have to be replaced with flocking to do anything real fitting. I was more just looking for her opinion on the fit and if switching it out would help before I made a decision. Ugh, I don’t want a new saddle.

      Slowest abscess ever! Farrier last night said it could take months!

  2. L.Williams

    Hope the saddle fitter helps and abscesses are so annoying but at least they have resolutions.

    1. stampyandthebrain

      I’m very worried saddle fitter will just say I need a new saddle. Hopefully if she does it will be honestly and not just because she sells for another brand.

      I never had one of my horse’s get an abscess til earlier this year and it popped in days. This one is at a month today already and it’s making me crazy.

  3. Karley

    Hope that the time with the saddle fitter goes well!

    Love the new layout!

    1. stampyandthebrain

      I hope that I get her to come, getting a slow response so far to my emails.

      Thanks. I was having format issues with the old one for some reason.

  4. Hillary

    Just saw your question… When I had an independent fitter I think it was about $50-100… Not 100% on that. I pay the woman that adjusts my saddle (County Rep) $65 for an eval (trying new saddles – waived if you purchase) $50 for a trip fee (regardless of what you have done…) and its $125 for the actual adjustment. Hope that helps. 🙂 Good luck. I hope that your fitter is honest. I assume that they would take tracings of his back and compare to the saddle. – if you go to the Trumball Mtn website there is a tutorial on how this is done I believe.

    1. stampyandthebrain

      Sounds like I will have a $66 trip fee, which I’m splitting with others. $50 to look at the saddle for fit. $100 for flocking, which won’t happen since I have foam.

      She’s coming next Saturday, we shall see. I don’t want another saddle!


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