2018 Year End Awards

Last weekend was our awards banquet for our local association. Definitely one of the few times a year I can be seen in a dress!

Maestro and I earned some nice awards after a fun season together, plus it’s always fun to watch your friends get ribbons and trophies too.

I need to work on my ribbon holding skills

Adult Hunter 18-35 – Reserve Champion

Low Adult Equitation on the Flat – 5th

Low Adult Equitation over fences – 5th

This is my entire barn family with all of the trophies, ribbons, and prizes won. Pretty impressive! PS I’m the tallest head in the back, lol

Maestro had to get a second more expansive clip last week since he was still sweating like crazy. I posted his first clip in my last post.

He was very concerned about my clipping abilities

This weekend is the annual Mark Leone clinic at the barn. I last participated in 2013 – here is a link to that post. This weekend I’m planning to do both days. I think it will be a challenge for us but hopefully a fun time as well. Mark is a very positive clinician and really likes to help people do well.



  1. emma

    wooo congrats on the satin!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thank you!

  2. Boss Mare Eventing

    Congratulations! You actually look like a natural holding those ribbons!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thanks! I even asked my friend if it was weird to get a picture by myself with my ribbons, lol. Feels weird not to have a horse or other people in the photo.

  3. Tracy

    Dang girl, you and Maestro cleaned up this year!! So happy for you <3

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      My barn friends were in 1st and 3rd around me in the hunters which was a lot of fun too. Definitely proud of what we accomplished in our first show season. 🙂

  4. L. Williams

    Those rosettes are huge! Congratulations!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      They do give some good year end swag. My reserve came with a small tack shop gift certificate which was nice as well. Thank you!

  5. martidoll123

    Congrats just wait till next year! And oohh i hope that clinic was fun…..

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thank you. Definitely looking forward to making some improvements over the winter then getting back into the ring for more fun. Clinic was fun and challenging – still digesting a bit before I do a post on it.

  6. Genny - A Gift Horse Blog

    Wow congrats 🙂 🙂

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thank you 🙂

  7. Stacie Seidman

    Congrats on all the prizes! And it looks like your barn didn’t leave too many ribbons for anyone else! What a great year for all of you!
    Hope the clinic went great! (I’m a little behind on my blog reading!)

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thank you! Yes it was impressive to see all the barn loot together and always fun seeing my friends do well. I haven’t posted on the clinic yet, still digesting a bit. I will soon though and I have a decent amount of media!


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