2016 Blogger Gift Exchange

Another year another awesome blogger gift exchange. Thanks again Tracy for being awesome and organizing everything again!

Katlyn at Stubborn Together already posted about the gifts I sent her in the exchange here. It seems like every year I do the exchange I find another new blogger to follow and that was the case again this time. I have enjoyed learning more about Katlyn and her pony Katai and look forward to following their future progress.

I received my gifts from T. A. Eyo ¥ at The Ambitious Equestrian. Another blogger I didn’t know about until the exchange! She also went over and above by doing a personalized card and really going with my love for blue!

Everything was blue, and the front of the card

Everything was blue, and the front of the card

Like I said, an awesome personalized card!

Like I said, an awesome personalized card!

A cool blue watch was the first thing I opened

A cool blue watch was the first thing I opened

Then I opened the neck rope which I am so excited about. Juneau was excited too!

Then I opened the neck rope which I am so excited about. Juneau was excited too!

Some treats for the boys - I had never heard of these before.

Some treats for the boys – I had never heard of these before.

A picture of the treats for size and color.

A picture of the treats for size and color.

They were pure sugarcane treats but looked and smelled much different from I expected. I took video of the boys trying them but they came out too dark to be useful. Stampede tried one then refused to try another, fairly common for him since he’s the special child. P was down with them however and totally fine with not having to share, lol. My friend’s dog went insane over them!

Neck rope in action!

Neck rope in action!

P and I tested out the neck rope last week and had a lot of fun. Looking forward to continuing working with him and doing more and more bridleless work. Thanks again for the great gifts T. A. Eyo ¥!



  1. Emma

    Ooooh fun with neck ropes!!! What a great gift!!!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      It’s a lot of fun! P is the perfect horse for me to learn something like that with and it will help us survive the winter indoor season boredom.

  2. Erika

    What a cool watch! 🙂 I love seeing what everyone got this year!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thanks, I got some awesome gifts!

  3. SprinklerBandits

    What a fun gift!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Love blogger secret santa!

  4. Hillary

    I need to get a neck rope too!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      The reins for rescues ones look awesome!

  5. Tracy - Fly On Over

    I LOVE that watch — it’s beautiful!!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Yeah it’s really neat!

  6. L. Williams

    Cool gifts!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)


  7. T. A. Eyo ¥

    I’m glad you liked it!! 😀 I almost shot myself in the foot when I looked back and Tracy’s email and saw that blue AND silver were your favorite colors lol


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