When we left last off on Stampede updates, we were just starting to jump some hunter courses after a long hiatus of health issues with the beast. Since we all know how Stampede is he had to cause another issue…
Again so thankful for Equifit Hoof Tape. The beast was lame on his left front coming out of his stall on a Thursday and thankfully popped his abscess on Monday.
The bad part was that it came out through the heel bulb and was very sensitive for a while. Also once the farrier trimmed it back you can see quite the abscess path going on!
So he actually has a crevasse going from the original opening down to his frog now that kind of juts out and according to the vet will fall off eventually. Lovely! So lots of iodine to keep it hardened up and back to work we went.
I had hoped to have the beast ready to jump in the show this weekend but after the abscess issue I knew it wouldn’t work out. 4 courses since 2014 really isn’t the way to get back in the show ring! For a while I felt sad and resigned to not doing the show, but then several friends told me I should just do some flat classes since Stampede hadn’t been in the show ring since 2014.
So we did two flat classes each day over the weekend and scored one nice shiny ribbon.
My special needs horse won the Adult 18-35 hunter hack. Good pony 🙂
Woooo check out that ribbon!!! Congratulations 🙂 hopefully he will be back over fences asap!
Thanks! I’m hoping so but I won’t hold my breath, lol.
It was great seeing the 2 of you back in the ring this weekend!! Stamp really did a good job especially with a packed indoor! Now the next goal is to get both of us showing at the same time! Lol. But then again it works out that when I am broken I can groom for you and when Stamp is broken you can groom for me. 😉
Well you get the advantage of doing C shows so I can groom then if I’m around, lol. I have no doubt you will be getting more and more saddle time as time goes on!
Your special needs horse gives my special needs horse hope!
I think the key is not having expectations, lol. Also we don’t talk about horseshows or important riding plans around him since he seems to know…
As my friends often say, when he’s not broken he is a nice horse.
Wooo! So glad you were able to get back in the ring again, even if it was just on the flat.
Thanks! It was more fun than I expected. I thought I would be somewhat upset I wasn’t jumping but just getting in the ring and having a calm and mostly happy (okay so he’s not cool with horses cantering right on his butt, looking at you junior on a little bay) horse felt like a big victory after so long away.
Yay so glad you went and showed 🙂
Me too. Brushed the dust off!
Yay for showing! And pretty ribbon 🙂
I had forgotten how much fun it is. A blue ribbon is always good too, lol.
I’m glad you got back out there! Sometimes just the act of going to a show is so much fun and helps our mojo 🙂
Much more fun than my memory allowed me to believe after so long away. Quietly crossing all the things that this summer will bring more shows with the special beast.
yay! Good for you guys!! Exposure at a show is super important for your horse so even though you don’t get to jump, it’s still experience under his belt!
Congrats on the blue!