SFTS Blog Hop: Heart Horse

SFTS Blog Hop
Another blog hop upon us!
Do you currently have your “heart horse”? What makes a “heart horse” to you? If you don’t own a horse, have you ever leased a “heart horse”? 
I think there are many different categories of heart horses or furry soulmates. In general I think a heart horse is any horse that you have formed a special relationship with and one that you plan to keep for the rest of their life. I have two very different heart horses.


Mr. P is the horse I trust implicitly. He never broke my trust once in the years I owned him the first time and he hasn’t broken it since. He is the horse everyone loves and a horse that loves everyone. Only he is very clear that he loves me best.



Riding P is almost always guaranteed to put a smile on my face. My past with Mr. P is a fairy tale to me. Nine years apart and we never skipped a beat. Best friends. Love my furry soulmate.


Stampede on the other hand is the horse that everyone thinks is beautiful but no one else would want him. Stampede and I have a history marked with illnesses, injuries, and training issues. Yet this horse has taught me so much. Patience, perseverance, and how to follow my gut just to name a few. I know this horse so well – I can tell you what it means when he doesn’t eat all of his grain (his back hurts or he’s stressed about barn activity), what it means when he’s overly sensitive on the inside of his hind legs (planning a cellulitis attack), and what it means when he nickers at me when I have my helmet on (he wants to go for a ride).

Just trying to make this pony happy

Just trying to make this pony happy

The feeling I get when Stampede is trotting his big swinging trot is one of the most amazing feelings I’ve had. Knowing I have done so much of the training on this horse makes it even better. Stampede too will spend his life with me. He may never show the world how awesome he can be but that’s okay, he’s already shown me.



  1. Jenn

    Love this! Thanks for participating 🙂

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thanks for coming up with the idea 🙂

  2. KateRose

    That is so cool that Mr. P came back to you 🙂 They are both amazing horses in their own ways!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      I’m so thankful that P came back to me.

  3. kalinann

    Love it! They are both such special horses. 🙂

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)


  4. Hillary H.

    Two special guys 🙂

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Two different kinds of special, lol. 😉

  5. heartofhope10

    I love this whole post 🙂 You are so lucky to have found them, and vice versa!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      <3 :)

  6. emma

    aw your boys are just so sweet!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)



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