
It seems that both ponies are on the mend from their various maladies.

As I mentioned before, Mr. P started being really blah about his grain and we had a few days where he was pooping less than normal. As a result, he had a couple of weeks of light work along with some bran mashes and later some Maalox. Once we decided the Maalox was helping, the vet proclaimed him to basically have a sour stomach or maybe light ulcers. So I made an order for Ranitidine which he has now started and will be on for a few weeks. Evidently he finds Stampede’s hoof issues as stressful as I do!

Last weekend we took a fun bareback ride in the snow, which really brightened our spirits.

Walking through one of the outdoor rings last weekend in the snow.

Walking through one of the outdoor rings

Facing back towards the barn

Facing back towards the barn

Wandering around the pond

Wandering around the pond

Mr. P and I finally got back in gear this week and did both of our flat lessons. He was definitely a bit stiff from his couple weeks of less movement, but he was willing and happy to go around with me.

Hay cart grazing, yum

Hay cart grazing, yum

Opening up the hole in the bottom of Stampede’s hoof, while annoying for me since I have to keep it clean and wrapped every day, has helped him feel so much better. I’ve been steadily weaning him off of the Previcox, and hopefully today was his last dose.

It's hard to show how big this hole really is!

It’s hard to show how big this hole really is!

This is the large hole from the original abscess working on healing up

This is the large hole from the original abscess working on healing up

For a horse that has been going outside in just a double stall sized pen for the last month, Stampede has been really cooperative and quiet. That said, he has made it clear that he’s tired of this whole thing.

Evidently the boredom of hoof soaking is not overcome by me holding out a carrot while holding a camera...

Evidently the boredom of hoof soaking is not overcome by me holding out a carrot while holding a camera…

So far, the biggest positive of this whole hoof drama is that Stampede seems to have figured out laying down in his stall. Almost every day now he will lay down in his stall to roll and relax for a few minutes after he comes in from his outside pen. I’ve caught him doing this three times in person, plus gotten a picture of it from both my barn manager and my friend D. Let’s hope this sticks when he starts going back to normal turnout and he will no longer have sleep deprivation issues!

When BM caught him taking a short siesta

When BM caught him taking a short siesta

Today's short nap captured by my friend D

Today’s short nap captured by my friend D



  1. emma

    um that hole in his hoof looks HUGE in the pic – not sure i want to know how much bigger it looks irl… glad both horses are on the mend tho – good luck!

    also – is it sad that i saw that nice straight track through the snow and was kinda impressed?? my horse can do just about anything but a straight line lol – we would have been all over the place!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      It’s scary huge, maybe I will take a picture with a measuring tape…

      I certainly hope everyone is on the mend, for both my bank account and my sanity.

      Lack of straightness is my pet peeve, so that explains that, lol.

  2. nbohl

    love bareback rides in the snow!!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      They are the best! I should have taken a picture because I literally just hopped on over his blanket.

  3. Aoife @Pampered-Ponies

    I am delighted to read that both boys are on the mend. Agree with Emma, that be one mahoosive crater in Stampede’s hoof – Yikes!
    That is so cute that he now takes naps lying down

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      I keep hoping I’m not jinxing myself by saying they are doing better, lol.

  4. heartofhope10

    Eekk I feel like that’s a pretty big hole. But so glad to hear it’s doing it’s job! Also-glad Mr. P is back feeling good!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Me too, thanks!

  5. Tracy

    Glad that everyone is [finally!] on the mend 🙂

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thank the horse gods!


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