TOA Blog Hop: Horse History – Phoenix

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History of the Horse
Before you met, where was your horse?  Who bred him/her?  What do you know about his sire and his dam?  What do you know about where he came from?  Tell me about the time before he had a trainer.

Phoenix was foaled March 25th, 1989 in Webster City, Iowa in the ownership of Howard Myers. A google search didn’t turn up anything about him.  The neat thing about APHA papers is they list out all the prior owners. From Iowa, Phoenix came to Mattawan, Michigan in April 1990. Interestingly, Phoenix wasn’t gelded until he was days from turning 3 years old and in Michigan. Next, Phoenix is sold to a couple in Jackson, Michigan in May 1991. In April of 1992 he was sold to a woman in Hastings, Michigan. Phoenix was sold to me (my dad technically) on July 11, 1996. Amuses me that is the day and month of my wedding anniversary, didn’t realize that until I got the papers out today.

Next best thing about APHA papers, they include a picture!

The cuteness is unbearable!

The cuteness is unbearable!

I’ve talked about Phoenix’s registered name before here. I’ve also discussed his breeding slightly on the post Secretly Painted. Phoenix’s registered name with the American Paint Horse Association is Fancy Quincy. His sire was one of the foundation sires for the APHA, Mr. Fancy Bonanza. Phoenix looks a lot like his sire, which is great because his sire was a really cool horse! In my previous post about Phoenix’s breeding I linked to a great article about his sire, so check that out if you are interested in the history of the APHA.

P's daddy - Mr. Fancy Bonanza

P’s daddy – Mr. Fancy Bonanza

Phoenix’s dam was Miss Quincy Mount, who was sorrel/overo in color just like Phoenix according to his papers. It’s sad that there is so little information on the dam side for many of these horses!

Here is a link to Phoenix’s full pedigree for anyone who is interested. Some really notable quarter horse names in there for sure.



  1. Aoife @Pampered-Ponies

    Squee baby pony pix get me every time ♡♡♡

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Baby ponies are always so adorable!

  2. Cara

    That’s so cool that the APHA papers have a baby picture! And all the old owners names too- I could see that being really helpful 🙂

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      It’s definitely neat. I was kind of sad that Phoenix’s papers got full in the owner section so they made me send an updated picture. Good thing I still have a copy of his old papers!

  3. emma

    oooh what a cute baby pic!! so cool that you know so much of his history too

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Baby horse pics are the best! I still can’t believe I met him in July 1996! How is it over 18 years have gone by?


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