Well everything went as intended, and I now own a large TB with a shaved stripe down his back.
Got up early and hurried out to the barn to get Stampede all wrapped up for his road trip. Stampede got right on the trailer like a good boy. Got on the road right around 8:15. Got to MSU at 10, unloaded calm beast and brought him into the holding stall. I should have taken a picture of that, it had weird green flooring that squeaked when Stampede moved around and made him look around for the source. π
First they took Stampede’s vitals and asked questions to update their files since his last visit. Then we took him out to the parking lot so they could see him trot. They mostly look for how he uses his back when he trots. They also do all this while repeatedly saying how big he is. π
Then they brought him back in and the physical therapist went through exercises to start doing with him. If I do exercises to strengthen his core and stretch the ligaments running along the spine it should improve his condition and his musculature. I plan to take some good pictures so we can have a comparison in the month!
After that, they took him into a room for updated x-rays (mild improvement actually) and to get injected. My boy was a perfect gentleman. I’d like to think that meant he knew they were going to make him feel better again, but I’ll take it either way!
Loaded up after he got a short rest in the holding stall, got wrapped up, and I paid. Got the boy home just in time for afternoon hay and grain, so he was happy.

I thought even his mouth looked concerned here. This was after we got back and I took him out for grass after he ate in his stall.
So Stampede starts with his exercises tomorrow and will get four days off from riding. Crossing my fingers for as much improvement as we saw last time so this boy and I can continue our riding adventures together.
Fingers crossed for stampy π hope the injections leave him feeling great!
Here’s to him feeling better and the injections working their magic! π