Memory Lane

Yesterday marked three years since Phoenix stepped off the trailer as my horse for the second time. This got me looking through my old scrapbook that I made while I was in high school. Looking through the pages always brings a smile to my face and a tear to my eye. It’s hard to even explain how connected I am to this horse, although I’m sure many of you feel the same about your horses. It is certainly a privilege to have that kind of connection with a horse.

Read about my past with Mr. P here and here.

Life with my Phoenix

Life with my Phoenix

Winter clip job

Winter clip job

"Horse, you are truly a creature without equal, for you fly without wings and conquer without sword."

“Horse, you are truly a creature without equal, for you fly without wings and conquer without sword.”

Smiling P

Smiling P

"He had my caresses and my awkward wishfulness to please him, to respect and deserve his beautiful presence, the gaiety of his head toss and prance."

“He had my caresses and my awkward wishfulness to please him, to respect and deserve his beautiful presence, the gaiety of his head toss and prance.”

"If he were only a memory I could call him back-horse of my childhood who continued with me into womanhood. But he outstrips memory, runs through my veins, pulses luxuriously like the still yet trembling fissure of hallowed light around a full moon on a blue-black night above hemlocks."

“If he were only a memory I could call him back-horse of my childhood who continued with me into womanhood. But he outstrips memory, runs through my veins, pulses luxuriously like the still yet trembling fissure of hallowed light around a full moon on a blue-black night above hemlocks.”

The cutest face

The cutest face

Pony <3

Pony <3



Always with me

Always with me

“And when I think about this period in my life, my summer of wonder and delight, I think of the blue sky, and my horse, his spine digging into my body, and the way when you’re on a horse with a fine gait, the world just opens up its doors to welcome you. It was this perfect moment, and I have lived it often, and the sky was so clear I swear to God you could see halfway across the world.”



  1. Hillary

    Love this! What great pictures to have. Reading how special P is to you makes me really happy 🙂

    I wish that I had the finances to be able to take care of two horses because I would take back my first horse in a heartbeat.

    1. stampyandthebrain

      My husband told me I’m not allowed to find out how my first horse is doing, lol. I have heard he’s in a good home though. 🙂
      It’s just one of those things, if the horse needs you (which he did) then you make it happen. I’m pretty sure P should have never left me in the first place! My parents still favor him over Stampy.

  2. Lauren

    Awww, that is so sweet! I haven’t looked at any of my scrapbooks in forever and this is making me want to pull them out.

    1. stampyandthebrain

      Thanks. If you do post some pictures!

  3. L.Williams

    Wonderful. I’m currently trying to get the wherewithall to work on a Carlos scarpbook.

    1. stampyandthebrain

      I think you would find it therapeutic. I looked at it a lot after Phoenix was sold, which at the time was like he was gone forever. I certainly never expected to see him again and he was my best friend.
      You could probably include some sections from your blog too. Much more fancy options, plus you are more artistic than me!
      That said, I bought stuff to make one for stampede and the project has never materialized…maybe someday.

  4. Lauren

    I had no idea you owned him prior. That is amazing! I hope to have that kind of connection with my horse one day.

    1. stampyandthebrain

      Thanks! I should link to some of my first posts where I talk about how I met the boys and our past together.

      1. stampyandthebrain

        Added links to those posts about Mr. P now. 🙂


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