Secretly Painted

So one of my pet peeves is that people don’t realize what breed Phoenix is. To me it seems incredibly obvious that he is a paint. He not only has white above his front knee, but a few other spots as well.

Phoenix’s dad was one of the foundation sires of the american paint horse association (APHA), kicked out of the AQHA for having too much white. Phoenix’s sire’s name was Mr. Fancy Bonanza. Here is a linkΒ to an article about Mr. Fancy Bonanza.

P's daddy - Mr. Fancy Bonanza

P’s daddy – Mr. Fancy Bonanza

I don’t have any real information on Phoenix’s mom, and well, he looks like his daddy only more refined. Handsome pony!

Anyways, here’s some of P’s hidden paint!

Belly spots

Belly spots

Hind leg

Hind leg

Butt spot

Butt spot

Gave P a nice bareback ride tonight and he was more like his normal self. Of course it was 70 degrees out so that may have slowed him down a bit, lol. My friend Christie helped me graze the boys afterwards since she had already grazed her pony.

Brothers :)

Brothers πŸ™‚







  1. Lauren

    Cute! I love belly spots πŸ™‚

  2. L. Williams

    I always love belly spots and “ripped” stockings πŸ™‚

  3. Karley

    love the markings! πŸ™‚

  4. Hillary

    He’s so cute! He looks a lot like my families old “paint”. Ill have to find a picture one of these days.

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