
Figured I would join in on the question answering. I always enjoy learning more about fellow bloggers so hopefully this lets some people learn more about me.

1. Favorite thing about riding? Creating a relationship of trust with a horse and creating the confidence needed to jump.

2. Draft horse or pony? Draft cross maybe? Way too tall for any ponies.

3. English or western? English. Western mostly seems boring to me, although I think trail classes and reining are neat.

4. Dressage or Hunter/Equitation? Hunters/Equitation

5.Green horse or trained horse? I’ve always gotten horses that were kind of in the middle, had some jumping experience but not a ton. Stampede had sat in a field for over a year and really just knew enough to be safe to get on. He had done a show or two, but he had melt downs because he was over faced so they gave up on him. My next horse will probably be pretty green.

6. Worst fall? Stampede stepped in a sink hole in the middle of an outdoor riding arena and went down with me. Required two surgeries to fix my injuries and several months of no riding. I now have a permanent footing paranoia and a scar.

7. First fall, what happened? This young trainer was putting everyone on big horses even though I was probably ten. Other horse took off bucking so mine took off too. Ended up with a concussion and bruised knees. Trainer got fired.

8. Have you ever wanted to quit riding? Nope, although I didn’t ride much once I knew P was for sale my senior year. I was so upset about losing my best friend that I barely talked to my parents for years.

9. Favorite thing about your horse? P – His sense of humor and his complete trust in me. Stampede – How jealous he gets of my husband, it’s really funny. Also, how even when he acts silly under saddle he never gives me more than I can handle.

10. Least favorite thing about riding? The dirt

11. Do you prefer to ride inside or outside? Who would ever say inside? Ick.

12. Do you show? When Stampy cooperates, hopefully more next year.

13. How long have you been riding? In a continuous program for 19 years, but did some camps before then.

14. Why did you start riding? From the first time I met a horse (at the apple orchard when I was very little) and went on a pony ride I was obsessed.

15. How many times a week do you ride? Every day, sometimes twice a day if I don’t have anyone to help with the boys.

True story!

True story!

16. Have you ever fallen off at a show? How? Fell off while schooling a horse I leased while we were looking for a new horse for me. I leaned at the jump, he stopped, and I landed in a puddle.

17. Ever fallen onto a jump? I went over one once…

18. Ever been bucked off? No, don’t jinx me.

19. Do you have a private or group lesson? Group Lessons, haven’t done a private in forever.

20. In your opinion does it make you less of a rider if you don’t own a horse? No, but I think it’s hard to excel at riding unless you can do it frequently.

21. Trick riding or eventing? Trick riding, eventing creeps me out, especially at the high levels.

22. What discipline do you want to try? Why? I’d love to learn some more dressage so I could incorporate it into my program.

23. Ever had barn drama? Sometimes there is barn drama, but I’m not involved. I’m there to ride my horses to the best of my ability and no one gets in the way of that.

24. How many barns have you been to? I’ve boarded P at two different barns (one the first time I owned him and one the second). Stampy is on his third barn with me. Overall I’ve ridden at 4 barns.

25. Do you plan on having horses in your life for the rest of your life? Yes, hoping that I die before I have to stop riding.

26. Does winning ribbons matter to you? It would be nice, but if my horse puts in a good round I can’t complain. Stampede has never been very good at showing because he gets nervous at first and angry and tired later, so the few classes we’ve done well in have meant a lot.

27. Ever been on a trail ride? I try to go with the boys in the fall as much as possible. Haven’t been on an off property trail ride in the long time though.

28. Hunter or Jumper? Hunter

29. Ever wanted to buy a school horse? No, maybe because I was still pretty young when I got my first horse and it was a total surprise. My dad told me we were going with my trainer to evaluate a new school horse, but after I rode Zipper he asked me if I wanted him as my Christmas present. 🙂

30. Ever ridden a horse 17hh+? Several times a week, Stampy is 18.1 hands

31. Ever ridden a horse 13hh or under? I’m sure a long time ago.

I worked too late Monday night, but managed to recruit Christie to help me with the boys. She rode P bareback while I rode Stampede. I had wanted to lunge Stampede originally, but it was just easier to ride since Christie was getting on P.

He loves to pose for photos (and treats)

He loves to pose for photos (and treats)

Tonight I had my flat lesson. It was pretty boring, felt like we did posting trot forever. I think Stampede was a bit back sore from the clinic, I probably should have given him some Robaxin Saturday. I’ll try that next time I do a clinic or show. Anyways, he wasn’t making it easy on me and the flat work we were doing wasn’t really helping me either. Finished up with some okay work in the second direction, especially at the canter and called it a night.

His favorite trick, always makes me smile :)

His favorite trick, always makes me smile 🙂

Trial saddle is supposed to be here tomorrow, crossing my fingers harder than ever that it fits both me and P.



  1. Karley

    Love the q&a!

    Hope the saddle works out 🙂

  2. heartofhope10

    Holy cow! Stampy is 18.1?!

    1. stampyandthebrain

      He is. At least I’m tall too so you can’t usually tell. 🙂

      1. heartofhope10

        That is awesome! I’m pretty tall too, so I love the tall ponies! 🙂

        1. stampyandthebrain

          How tall is O? She’s obviously a thicker build. P is only 16.3, but he takes a 54″ girth.

          1. heartofhope10

            She’s only a little over 16hh, but takes up my leg pretty well most days. Other days, I feel kind of giant! Ha!

            Her and P sound like they have a similar build!

  3. Lauren

    Omg had no idea Stampy was so big!

    1. stampyandthebrain

      He’s a bit of a freak of nature!


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