Sweater Weather

Yesterday I had a lesson on Stampede. Definitely a large improvement from last weekend. He was much more cooperative on the flat, even at the canter. I often have a hard time cantering him indoors because his stride is so big. Takes a few weeks to find the balance between holding him together and maintaining a rhythm. When we ride outside, I can focus solely on rhythm because I have plenty of space.

He jumped okay. He is so snarky about other horses being around when we go indoors that it is always distracting. The lines also seemed long, which is crazy for how huge my horse is. Regardless, he got around both a hunter and an equitation course, both with minimal errors. I’m sure it will only get better as we get used to the limited space.

Today, true to my Stampede recovery plan, I lunged him in the fake pessoa rig. He was really good and quite lazy.

Lunging the Stamp

Lunging the Stamp

Here’s a video of him trotting too.

You can see he likes to cheat sometimes if I don’t keep him moving, but really he’s pretty easy to deal with.

After my lunge I hopped on P bareback and went with Christie to wander through the woods. It was super nice out with some sun to keep us from feeling too cold.

Mr P leads the way

Mr P leads the way

Wandering around with Christie and Mikey

Wandering around with Christie and Mikey

This afternoon I scrubbed down the Butet, both sets of half chaps, and my riding boots. Also put a coat of oil on the Butet, but it’s looking so dry I think it will get another coat yet today.

P will get a real workout tomorrow then I have a flat lesson on Stampede Tuesday.



  1. heartofhope10

    Stampy looks so cute in his pessoa! 🙂

    1. stampyandthebrain

      Thanks 🙂

  2. Lauren

    He looks really good on the lunge. Cute trot 🙂

    1. stampyandthebrain

      Thanks, I originally fell for him because of his trot. I need to get him back in the hunter ring!


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