The Longest Tax Season

Back in April when it was announced that everyone would get an automatic extension of the payment deadline for any tax returns due April 15th and after to July 15th I certainly didn’t understand what that meant for me. I mean in some ways it sounds nice right? Avoid those 70-80 hour work weeks and have more time to get the returns done.

Instead, I took my first day off of the year on July 17th. While July 3rd was a work holiday, I worked anyways. It was hard to get information from clients, and everything just seemed to drag on. Then clients were upset because not only did they have to pay their 2019 tax due, but their 1st and 2nd quarter estimated tax as well. Ouch. Nevermind the clients whose financial situations are difficult because of COVID but still had balances due to pay.

Lastly, it meant that there was a larger variety of returns due on the same date. More work to do really. It has left me quite drained. Thankfully, I am in the middle of a week and a half off and I hope to spend it catching up on sleep and doing some of the things I enjoy doing. I wish I was going on a real vacation, but I’ll take some time to myself happily!

As for the ponies, I’ll do a quick update on each:


I have contacted a dental specialist vet who is coming August 17th to see if we can figure out what is causing pain when Phoenix’s chews hay. In the meantime, I had borrowed a friend’s Spectra laser and poll wrap which definitely helps so I bought my own. It’s not 100% but cuts down on his quidding a lot.

Otherwise, P is doing well and quite happy. He always thrives on summer grass, and he and Vinny are great buddies.


It’s amazing thinking of all the ways Vinny has changed since my last post. He now wears a fly sheet, fly boots, and allows me to fly spray him daily with no concerns. He also rarely spooks when I drop cross ties now.

Vinny has turned from a fearful pony to a more curious one, all while maintaining his enthusiasm for people and their cookies. Currently our main hang up is with hosing, which I plan to really work on more now that I’m working less. I think I will start with a sponge bath first though. He is fine with excessive spray bottle use with water, lol.

Vinny now has his own about tab too. 🙂


Ernie felt great coming back into our work after his couple months of 3 times a week easy flatwork with my trainer. I was a bit nervous when we first started jumping again, particularly knowing he hadn’t been jumped in a while and I had never jumped him outside. Ernie quickly proved that I was crazy to be concerned and has been helping me build my confidence ever since.

I can’t easily explain how nice it is to have a partner who forgives my mistakes and just really wants to do his job well. In that way Ernie reminds me so much of Phoenix. Both of them just really want to please their person, and I’m so lucky to get to be around horses like that.

There was a schooling show at the barn back in June, so here is a video of one of our rounds from that.

We did a couple horse shows recently (one at the barn and one off property this past weekend), but I will save those for separate posts. I suppose I should also out myself since many of you do follow me on social media and know, but…

Ernie is now a member of the family!

I’ll provide more details on my decision making process and the craziest PPE experience I’ve had at some point here.

Whew, feels good to be back and free from the chains of tax season for at least a few weeks here!



  1. Stacie Seidman

    Ugh, I can’t imagine how terrible this extended tax season must have been for you! Glad you’re getting some time off!
    Congrats again on officially buying Ernie! I think you two are such a great pair! So exciting!!!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      I’m definitely glad tax season is over but sad I have more due dates coming up 9/15 and 10/15!
      Thank you, Ernie is so fun!

  2. The Backyard Horse Blog

    Great to hear Vinnie is doing so well, and Welcome Ernie!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)


  3. Amanda

    I love the chronicles of Vinnie! I’m so glad everything with Ernie worked out, and look forward to that story.

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      I should be doing better at writing down all of Vinny’s changes, it’s so cool. Last night I tried his turnout sheet on him again and this is the first time he hasn’t gotten scared of me doing that since it makes swishy noises. Now if I could just decide if he needs a size down or not in the sheet, lol.The Ernie PPE story is a weird one!

  4. Rachel M Brooker

    Um I still need to come over and meet Vinnie!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      You really do!

  5. L. Williams

    Congrats on buying Ernie and also I definitely thought of you when they extended the tax deadline, but at least you got to wfh right?

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thanks! Working from home is nice besides people thinking you should be available all the time. That’s a no!

  6. the_everything_pony

    Awww congrats on officially buying Ernie! I’m so excited for you and to hear about your new adventures with him!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)


  7. carey

    Oof, sorry for the long, drawn-out extra work. Glad you’re taking some time to relax and recover with ponies. You’ve got some good looking dudes in your herd, congrats!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Sadly the week has so far been more of getting all the other stuff done that didn’t get done. I guess that’s how these staycation things work? lol. Still nice to slow down a bit and catch up on sleep. Thanks, I love my herd of ponies. 🙂


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