Stampy goes on a road trip

So Monday morning my trainer and I trailered Stampede up to MSU for his bone scan. The vets walked and trotted him up and down and aisle way, then walked him around with a towel over his eyes. I was extremely shocked at how okay my horse was walking around unable to see. The one vet also did some things with pulling his tail and crossing his legs to test him for neuro issues. Originally he thought maybe something neuro was going on so he had someone else look at him, but I got a call in the afternoon that they thought it was either a spine issue (what my vet thought) or a muscle disorder of some sort.

Tuesday Stampede became radioactive and got his scan. I didn’t get much for results Tuesday because the vet ended up in a colic surgery, but he did see something on his spine so I okayed an x-ray. So in the end my horse has Over-riding Dorsal Spinous Processes, or kissing spines, in three spots. He got the spots injected with DepoMedrol and now we wait and see if that gives us the desired results. If we don’t get the results we want the vet wants to do a muscle biopsy to look for a muscle disorder, but I really think the symptoms fit well with the kissing spines diagnosis.

We picked up Stampede Wednesday night, he stayed inside Thursday, then started turnout on Friday. I will get on him for the first time tomorrow, but I plan to only walk with a little bit of trot to take things slow.

Here are some pictures of his back.

View from the left side, see the three shaved spots at the top where he got injected

View from the left side, see the three shaved spots at the top where he got injected

View from above, his withers are to the left

View from above, his withers are to the left

I’ve been continuing to ride Mr P, who was quite hopeful that he had become an only child and would get to eat all the carrots.

Mr P, Treat Hound!

Mr P, Treat Hound!

It finally warmed up a bit around here, so P and I got to ride outside the last couple of days. It felt amazing to be out in the open and out of the indoor! It may not be green outside yet, but it still looks beautiful to me and Mr. P.

Ahhh, freedom from the indoor!

Ahhh, freedom from the indoor!

Lastly, poor Riles was finally recovered from his leg surgery and got groomed today. He is back to his handsome self and hopefully will stay out of trouble for a while.

Roxy (bottom) and Riles (top) napping this afternoon

Roxy (bottom) and Riles (top) napping this afternoon

I do taxes for a living and busy season is really wearing on me. I’ll be working at least 55 hours this week, ugh. Stampede’s results are supposed to be best at 7 to 10 days from the injections, but I’m still crossing my fingers that I will feel a difference tomorrow night! I’ll try to update after my ride.

Off to hay and water the ponies!



  1. Hillary

    Glad the trip gave you some answers! I hope that stampy feels better soon!

  2. Karley

    Hope that you can get some answers on Stampy! Looks like the trip was worth while 🙂

  3. Pingback: Saddle addiction | Stampy and the Brain

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