Belated birthdays and busy days

So way back on the 28th of April a certain special needs horse celebrated his 17th birthday and I have failed to blog appropriately!

No birthday is complete with pictures of the birthday boy in a celebratory hat

Somehow the horse who no one liked but me has become the favorite of both my mom and my husband since he came home. For reference my mom used to be completely afraid of horses and got to the point of being okay with P after a while but never really went beyond handing out treats (okay I got her on him once when I was a teen and she promptly hurt her knee getting off). Since the boys came home she goes right in amongst them to help with pony care as needed and likes to give her favorite horse extra treats (not to worry, I’m pretty sure P keeps track to make sure he isn’t shorted). I never would have seen that coming. Stampede loves to follow my husband around and often seeks comfort from him when I’m doing something torturous (like treating his hind leg crusts). It makes me so happy to see that other people now get to know the horse I have grown to love over the years. He may be a bit cranky and most certainly gets scared of random things but he’s really just a baby pony in a big horse body.

Needed a picture with his dad

The chestnuts are quite happy that spring has finally arrived and I’ve opened up one of the other pastures part time. Who doesn’t love fresh grass? A few pictures of the happenings of the chestnuts.

There is a reason why P has no trouble keeping his weight up. He doesn’t waste time gawking.

Juneau enjoys staring at her “big brothers” and trying to get them to run along the fence with her.

I had just groomed P the night before so he wouldn’t look gross for the vet coming but then he hunted down my only muddy spot.

Mr. P shedding pile

Stampede shedding pile

Maestro and I are working on adjusting to jumping outside. While Maestro is really pretty great for his age and experience level he has let his baby side show a bit with the transition. Time, persistence, and patience will sort it all out.

Sunday I went out to graze him for a bit and he was so distracted by one of the school ponies who has an interesting spotted coloring.




  1. Rachel - For Want of a Horse

    I need to stop over cause I am missing the chestnut boys!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      You do, it’s been a while since you’ve seen the boys.

  2. Stacie Seidman

    Happy Birthday, 17 years young!
    I’m sure Maestro will settle right down once you’ve been out there a bit more. That’s the one thing that’s kind of nice about not having an indoor. You can skip that transition you have to get through every spring!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      I’m sure he will settle soon enough, just giving me some extra hard workouts currently! It is really strange because it doesn’t really seem to be about being outside as I had already ridden him outside alone several times although it was in other rings. It seems to be something about the other horses in the ring (my trainer had less issues when she rode him Monday) and the fact that the one fence goes straight towards the gate. My last lesson he had settled in a bit about coming towards the gate but then was having some lead change paranoia reoccurring (something we dealt with when I first got him) so was hopping all around switching leads. Interested to see how my flat ride goes tonight – will be in a different ring though since a lesson will be going on in that one.

  3. Tracy

    I love how happy the chestnuts are at home ❤️❤️❤️

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      They love the retired life, lol. Last night we were using the chain saw to cut some bush/tree things along the fence line and they didn’t even look up from their grass!

  4. draftmare

    The picture of Juneau with the boys in the background is awesome!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thanks, I love how she’s in motion and they are just a bit fuzzy. She loves to try to get them to run around and then they just make these faces like you are a silly little fuzzball. Sometimes Stampede walks up to the fence and just watches her.


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