Barn Demo update

I have tried to take lots of pictures of the transformation so far. Enjoy!

The starting point

Starting point from the other side


So much garbage!

We actually filled two dumpers this size to the brim cleaning out the barns (we emptied junk out of the second barn while we were at it) and that includes no wood (went to burn pile) and no metal (friend has taken two large loads away to scrap and there’s still some left!). Who knew there was so much stuff out there!? This is all from the previous owners.

Getting there!

Started some leveling of the ground

Not bad for three full days of work!

We do still have some more back wall to rip out on the one side then we can finish leveling and get some limestone brought in and start compacting.

My husband is the best and I seriously couldn’t have done all this without him! My parents were also amazing and did the majority of the junk clean out in the other barn. I’m so lucky!



  1. Leah

    Holy cow, making some awesome progress!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thanks! It’s funny it doesn’t feel like we’ve gotten much done until I look back at where we started! Still so much to do.

  2. falllinefarmblog

    I’m super impressed that you knocked that out in 3 days!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thanks, I guess I just get on a mission? It is 3 days over several weeks. We were taking off work one day a week and spending the whole day working on the barn. Is it sad I preferred this hard labor to my office job?

  3. draftmare

    That is impressive! I am excited to see what it ends up looking like, or maybe one of these days I can come visit in person when its done?!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thanks, it’s hard but rewarding work! I would love for you to come see it when it’s done and meet my boys (and maybe their new sibling if he/she has been found by then!).

  4. Micaylah Strukelj

    What is with people and their junk?? My barn is filled with it too but since we just rent I don’t do anything unless it specifically gets in my way

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      The old owners were friends of my parents and survived the depression. They tried to reuse anything they could so they kept a lot of stuff. They also labeled things they purchased with the date and what they paid. It’s really interesting to look at some of the stuff but other things leave you wondering why they thought the item was worth anything and kept it. In the stairway to our basement there were probably at least a dozen halters of varying sizes and a couple bosals. I still need to figure out if bosals are worth anything before I pitch them.

  5. Carly

    That’s amazing progress for only three days!!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thanks, we definitely worked hard and there’s a lot more to do!

  6. Lauren

    That’s going to be soooo nice when you are done!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      I’m hoping for a safe place and a clean look! Oh and not going over budget…need a new horse budget too!

  7. Tracy - Fly On Over

    So exciting!!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Yes! The ponies are coming home! 😉


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