Not to worry, the (seriously amazing) husband and I are still working away at the barn renovations, even if we’ve reached a point of that meaning going crazy trying to wrangle outside help for various projects.
The weekend before last we reached the official status of THE BARN IS EMPTY and felt pretty good about things.
Add in the awesomeness of finding a piece of wood trim in the barn that matches the 1/2 bath downstairs and I was a happy woman. As with everything in our house they don’t make the pattern anymore and after a dog (not a dog of ours!) chewed the trim around the door over 10 years ago we’ve just been ignoring the missing piece because we knew it meant redoing all the trim. Sometimes procrastination pays off!
So the next day after the official barn emptying my husband goes out of town for work for the week and convinces me to update my mac to the latest version right before he leaves. Cue broken computer that just won’t be fixed. Things corrupted and failed and while I could get an operating system back on it (eventually) it would not restore my backup to get my files, settings, etc. Even after the husband got back it still took him forever to fix and computers are his thing (well he’d say websites are but you know, related). Anyways, no blog posts because no computer and all that.
Then I became busy because of something awesome. A barn friend went on a two week vacation and let me ride her awesome horse while she was away. I took 3 flat lessons, it was amazing! Pretty sure those were my first lessons of the year too. Caring for 3 horses and riding 2 (more on that 3rd beast another time) left me low on free time especially since part of it corresponded with the time husband was gone.
Since then another barn friend has been sick so I’ve been riding her mare. I hope she gets better soon but it is so nice to get to ride every day! Sunday I rode two horses even. Heaven!
Last Friday the stars (well really the weather – mostly) finally aligned and the water line to the barn was installed. Originally the plan was to bore under the driveway but as usual our property had other plans and there was too much rock (we live across the street from a failed quarry) and they had to rip up the driveway and we had to pay extra for insulated pipe because they couldn’t dig deep enough. Argh! It’s done though and my ponies will have water and we can now move on to the next step!

The messy aftermath – shortly after it warmed up and there was lots of mud. Of course it’s currently frozen again…
Wood for the posts, back walls, and stalls was delivered Tuesday and I’ve also scheduled for the inside of the barn to be power washed this week.
Now if I could just get a siding place to you know call me back, come out and look at things, and give me a reasonable quote that would be awesome. So far the magic combo has not happened.
That is a lot of work!
Listing it all out makes me tired, ha!
Eeee so much awesome stuff! Boo that the driveway had to be torn up but at least things are getting DONE! Also cool to have so many horses to ride right now too!
Sooo much going on and I’m so thankful for people who trust me with their ponies!
So exciting to see it all ready for stalls!
I still see the steps until we can build the stalls (leveling and adding gravel, posts need put in, etc) but we are inching ever closer. It will feel good when we start building!
So much going on! It will all be worth it once the boys come home tho <3
Gary and I have been working hard that’s for sure! Hopefully that means taking care of them will seem easy, lol.