Baby Juneau turns 2

It’s just crazy to me that the baby bear is two years old today.

Such a mini wheat!

Juneau’s still just as crazy, happy, and energetic as she was when she came home with us. She just got bigger and learned a few things. 🙂

She was such a cute baby

My favorite thing about Juneau is her happy attitude. I’ve never meant another dog who just radiated happy the way she does.

Even happy at the vet

Even happy at the vet

Stretching out on her favorite love seat

Stretching out on her favorite love seat

The bear loves her lamb chop toy.

The bear loves her lamb chop toy.

This morning she was very excited to hear it was her birthday.

Will wake up early for love

Will wake up early for love

Looking forward to many more years with my happy, cuddly bear.



  1. Hillary H.

    She’s super cute! Here’s to many more great birthdays for the baby bear!

  2. emma

    awww happy bday Juneau!!

  3. sarahczspots

    So cute! Happy birthday to her!

  4. L. Williams

    Such a cute fluffy bear!!!! Happy birthday!

  5. Lauren

    Crazy to me too! I remember when you got the cutie 🙂


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