Miss Willow

So I’ve mentioned a couple times that I’ve been helping out my friend D and riding her mare Willow while she struggled with what appeared to originally be a very bad sprain to her ankle. Well it turns out the issue was more severe and required surgery (almost two weeks ago now) to repair some tendon and ligament issues around her ankle. The good news is that this should fix the issue and she can ride again in 4 to 6 months. The bad news is that currently she is non-weight bearing and it’s her right foot so getting to the barn is a bit rough. I know she will see this and love more photos of her awesome girl!

Field ride

Field ride

Willow is a Warmblood / TB Cross who Diane has had for quite a few years. I’m pretty sure she is 13 now. Willow is well broke and a very fun ride. She still leaves me with things to work on but she knows a lot as well. Plus she lets me work on myself more easily than Stampede while still being very athletic and forward.

She loves to graze too

She loves to graze too

D has given me the green light to jump Willow which is awesome. Willow loves jumping and it will help keep me from trying to jump Stampede too soon.

Wondering what I was doing in her stall

Wondering what I was doing in her stall – check out those dapples

Mr. P and his girlfriend :)

Mr. P and his girlfriend 🙂

Since Willow is going to be a big part of my riding life the next few months I wanted to introduce P’s girlfriend to the blog officially!

Here’s a video from our ride yesterday. Just trot work so possibly a little boring but you can see how cute she is. You can see she’s getting used to going on the bit and really working from behind. Excited to see what we can teach each other over the next few months!

Thanks D for trusting me with your girl while you get better! Looking forward to riding with you again in a few months!



  1. Lauren

    She is such a pretty girl! I love her trot.

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thanks! She has a neat trot, very strong from behind naturally.

  2. DianeHitt

    Thank you for taking such good care of her while I mend.

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      She makes it easy, I’ve been having a lot of fun riding her!

  3. emma

    aw man, what a bummer about D’s foot! my horse’s owner suffered a pretty traumatic foot injury last fall and has yet to return to the saddle. that kind of thing is really no joke. hope you have fun with Ms Willow in the meantime!


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