Smartpak Fleece Quarter Sheet Review

I purchased and received the Smartpak Fleece Quarter Sheet back in November and have had the opportunity to use it over a dozen times thanks to another very cold winter. At the time of purchase the sheet was on sale and there was a promo code for free embroidery that I took advantage of.

Mr P looks quite studly in it!

Mr P looks quite studly in it!

I think the best way to evaluate this quarter sheet is by doing a pro and con list!


  • Fleece for easy care
  • Quarter sheet has been washed and dried 3 times and looks brand new
  • Gorgeous monogram by Smartpak
  • Hole is plenty big enough to go around large saddles (18-18.5″) without the binding having to slide underneath the panels (I always think that has to be uncomfortable for their backs)
  • Sits nicely on the horse and stays put (I haven’t been using the tail cord)
  • Doesn’t put pressure on the horse’s wither
Fancy monogram!

Fancy monogram!


  • Fleece means static (usually after I put my cooler on top and remove it a few times since both are fleece)
  • I wish this had a European cut so that the sheet wasn’t under my leg. Maybe good for a sensitive skinned horse, but sometimes feels like it muffles communication.
  • To me this runs just a tad small. Phoenix, who wears a 78-81″ blanket is wearing the large horse in these pictures. That said, this quarter sheet did just fit Stampede who wears an 87″ blanket. Probably depends how your horse is built and how you like the sheet to hang.
After ride shot of how the sheet sits on P's withers

After ride shot of how the sheet sits on P’s withers

Funny enough, I was so turned off by the quarter sheet being under my leg when I rode Stampede in it the first time that I did almost return it. However, it got really cold out so I started using it on Phoenix and just loved it more and more each time. I also tried a couple more quarter sheets around the barn on the boys and each one had some other item I didn’t like even more.

How I normally have the quarter sheet on - over the girth but under the flaps

How I normally have the quarter sheet on – over the girth but under the flaps

I like to think it keeps Mr. P warmer during out frigid rides. He certainly looks extra handsome in it!

Lastly, if Smartpak sees this, I recommend coming out with a European cut version of this quarter sheet, then I could call it perfect!



  1. Aoife @Pampered-Ponies

    I love the qs that van br wrapped around rider legs after work to warm us back up too 😉
    Love the colour on P & the monogram is lovely ☺

    1. Aoife @Pampered-Ponies

      Ack typos supposed to say qs (quarter sheets) that can be wrapped*

    2. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Funny, I never do that. I always put it under my saddle and leave it there. Usually I still put a full cooler over the top for our walk outside to get to the indoor though, so I have that to put around me.

  2. Dianehitt

    I love my baker quarter sheet. I have another quarter sheet with the saddle cut out, but it doesn’t sit correctly on Willow. I agree about the European cut so you can get your leg on your horse — not that Willow pays attention either way. 🙂

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      I do like your baker sheet, but it’s more than double the price. 🙁 The smartpak one works great on P. Willow was great last night, especially jumping.

  3. Alicia

    Every winter I grab a can of Static Guard from CVS, Walmart, etc. and spray all of Mollie’s blankets with them because Princess doesn’t do static. I usually have to respray the fleece items again mid season, but it really cuts down on the static and I haven’t noticed any adverse effects to the fabric.

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      I keep meaning to buy some and forgetting! Oddly enough Stampede is not responsive to the static zapping at all (not that he’s wearing a cooler right now, sigh), but P starts shooting forward whenever you take off his cooler once he’s been zapped. Definitely becomes paranoid for a few rides!

      1. Dianehitt

        I have a can in my tack box. Give it a try. I use it periodically throughout the winter and it does help.

  4. Lauren

    I have the Dover version of this and it runs super small. Makes me want to just pay up and get another Blue Ribbon Custom product… The quality difference is huge but so is the price of course 🙂

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Weird on the Dover version, my friend has one that is several years old that is big on her horse. It actually fit Stampede in length but the drop on the sides was too short. I looked up Blue Ribbon and yikes on that price! I’m sure you could make your own, you are certainly talented with a sewing machine! If I get another I would do the Curvon brand (same as baker but you can do other colors), but it doesn’t have the keyhole so not exactly the same.

      Otherwise, some of the Greenhawk ones looked really tempting to try.

  5. Jenn

    No offense, I’m definitely NOT trying to be rude or mean, but I think this kind of quarter sheet (with a cutout and velcro) is supposed to go around your waist, velcro in front of you, and over your leg, not under the saddle. There are other quarter sheets that are designed to buckle (or somehow otherwise attach) to the girth, and other ones designed to stay under the saddle for the duration of a ride. I had a quarter sheet very similar to yours, and wore it during my warmup over my leg and around my waist, so it was easy to remove. Maybe try wearing the quarter sheet velcro’ed in front and over your leg? Just trying to help 🙂

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      If you follow the link for the quarter sheet itself you will see that it’s supposed to go around/under the saddle if you are going to ride with it. You can certainly use it around your waist for walking around then discard it (it would be unsafe to do more than walk with it like that in my opinion), but if you want to actually ride with the quarter sheet on it needs to be secured around/under your saddle. I keep it on my horse for the entire ride if temperature is below 20F outside since the indoor at my barn is not heated.

      I love the idea of the ones that attach to your girth by the way, but the only place I’ve seen have it is PS of Sweden and it doesn’t come big enough for Stampede.

  6. Karen M

    I have this quarter sheet, too, and I’m with you–I’d like to see a European-cut one!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      It’s so unbelievably hard to find the perfect quarter sheet, lol. I do love it, but European cut please!

  7. Tracy

    Thanks for the review!

  8. emma

    nice! i picked up SP’s fleece cooler during the same deal, i think, but Ms Thing vetoed it bc of static haha. (it also hung weird on her – wide horse, short legs, ya know)… glad you like your the quarter sheet tho!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Interesting on the static, I don’t have issues with the cooler very often. Usually if it starts to have static it’s after I layered it with my quarter sheet. I have the smartblue cooler which I’ve had for a few years now and it does the job well although it’s starting to get pilly (probably not a real word!).

  9. nbohl

    Thanks for the review…. I couldn’t survive the winter without a quarter sheet on my sensitive TB!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      I’m thankful I don’t have to clip either of mine (knock on wood) so it’s not as much of a necessity. I do feel better riding with one though when it’s 12F out like last night!


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