The baby turns 1 and other updates

First of all, baby Juneau turned one yesterday. How is it possible that she has grown up so quickly?!

All grown up and with a new haircut

All grown up and with a new haircut

I swear it was just yesterday she was this cute and little!

I swear it was just yesterday she was this cute and little!

Being a silly girl playing with her birthday toy

Being a silly girl playing with her birthday toy

In other news, I had sent away some Stampede tail hair to Stephanie at SC Equine so she could do her thing and my bracelet came this week!

Another beautiful bracelet

Another beautiful bracelet

Now I have a set. Love it!

Now I have a set. Love it!

Story behind how I got my first bracelet here. I encourage anyone who wants to have a bracelet made to contact Stephanie. She was totally willing to do whatever I had in mind and has amazingly fast turnaround time. These bracelets will be special to me for many years to come.

Lastly, I will do a horse show update to cover my last show of the season soon, but I wanted to share my new purchase. Saturday of the show after barely getting my old pull ons off and on I was ready to be done with them. Amazing husband agreed to let me purchase some cheap Ariats if I could find them in stock. Luckily enough the local tack shop had them in stock AND was having a sale where you pull a “poop egg” from the muck tub for a percentage off. I got 15% off, so I can’t complain. I got the Ariat Heritage Contour field boots. They are pretty impressive for the price.

New (future back up) boots

New (future back up) boots

The best part was the next day when I put them on and went and showed with no issues. Zippers are amazing! Woo hoo!

On to some other photos. Here’s a cute photo of the boys rolling together after Stampede got done showing on Saturday. Happy ponies!

Rub that dirt in!

Rub that dirt in!

And grazing time tonight after I rode P.

Tasty grass

Tasty grass

More on the weekend soon!



  1. Hillary

    Can’t believe the june bug is 1 already!

    1. stampyandthebrain

      They grow up too fast!

  2. Karen M

    Nice boots!

  3. heartofhope10

    Bracelets turned out great! Love the picture of the rolling ponies 🙂


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