Another Long Tax Season

I think many people were quite happy when the income tax return deadline for individuals was extended to May 15, 2021, but I can assure you that CPA’s working in tax just felt their chance for freedom slip away. Sadly, I’m in that population.

The 2020 tax season was long, and stretched out to take up pretty much the whole period of February through October 15th due to the extension window becoming small after July 15th. It was such a grind, and I think most of us were feeling like 2021 would be a normal year where we got back to those killer few months and found freedom just in time for spring.

For me, May 15th became a double deadline since I also work on non-profit returns. After that, we found ourselves knee deep in evaluation season since July 1 is the date for promotions and raises. The employee retention tax credit has also become a large part of my weeks as I try to make sure my clients know about it and what huge dollars can be attached. It seems like things might finally be slowing down though, and I even have my first PTO of the year coming up soon.

Ernie and I have had a great 2021 so far, aside from an abscess in March that slowed us down for a bit until we figured out the location meant he needed hind shoes on to feel comfortable while it grows out. We’ve done a couple shows this year, but I will blog about those separately. Mostly Ernie has given me a great escape from the stress of my job. Everything else melts away when I’m riding and doing what I love and I’m so grateful for that.

Phoenix amazed me by doing really well over the winter aside from one choke episode that required vet intervention. I gave him 4 meals of soaked hay pellets a day in addition to his grain and then he picked at the hay feeder throughout the day as well. He actually got a bit fat to be honest. He may not have much left for teeth, but he eats well and happily. Now that the grass is in he is so happy to graze all day.

Close to two months ago Phoenix did something to irritate his right hind leg, and since then has struggled some. First he seemed to have trouble getting up from rolling, but now he almost looks worse going down. He still rolls regularly, but he has not laid down in his stall in a few weeks. This freaks me out, but the vet said as long as he’s not showing signs of sleep deprivation I shouldn’t get too worried. We’ve increased his pain meds and he’s just had a Magnawave session yesterday. I’ll keep playing with things trying to get my boy comfortable, but his mood is bright. He turned 32 in late March and I feel like the luckiest girl to still have him in my life.

Vinny has been doing well. He has gotten pretty solid about wearing clothing and I’ve even used clippers to do his bridle path. He is endlessly amusing with the way he is always looking around for whatever activity he might need to investigate. His confidence has just grown so much since he came. I’m linking my instagram post from March 1st which has a one year comparison of Vinny in photos which is pretty cool.

I have some many things I want to post about, looking forward to sharing more soon!



  1. The Backyard Horse Blog

    I am not an “instagrammer” so I enjoyed reading your blog update here. Phoenix looks great, Ernie sounds like he’s fun to ride, and I must say that I am impressed with the before & after Vinny photos. Beautiful transformation.

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thank you! I tend to post on instagram pretty regularly since it’s quick and easy but it’s nice to put together posts that talk a bit more about what’s going on. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment as well.

  2. Stacie Seidman

    I hope work finally calms down for you soon! I can’t wait to read about your shows!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      I’m officially on vacation through the next week so things are looking good, lol.

  3. Lauren Mauldin

    Sweet Phoenix! Glad he’s doing well, and can’t wait to hear more about the shows with Ernie.

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Looking forward to having time to write again!


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