Being Brave and Building Trust

The title of this post seems to be the theme for me with Maestro currently. Maestro is most certainly not Phoenix or Stampede who I’ve ridden for many years and know extremely well. Starting over with a new horse, especially one where no one around knows him either, requires a bit of bravery and blind trust. I try to just go about my business and act like everything is totally normal and he’s seen it all before but you don’t really know.

Last week after working extra hours early on due to a tax deadline I ended up with Friday off. I slept in a little, did my barn chores at home, then headed out to see Maestro after lunch. I got to the barn and no one else was around to ride, just a couple of people finishing up and the barn workers doing various tasks. So I got my pony ready and was thinking meh I’ll just go ride in the ring since no one else is here for me to try riding in the field with. We had walked in the field together with no issue several times but I hadn’t done anything more yet. I got on and as we headed out towards the rings I found myself thinking I should just go out to the field and walk around and see because that ring sounded pretty boring and it was muddy from some rain too. Quickly that turned into just trotting around to see. At that point I might as well canter too right? So that’s how my first full field ride with my new horse ended up being just us alone.

He pretty much rode the same as in the ring (faster and bulging towards home and slower moving away, lol) but a little more energetic. No antics or anything and happy to be out and about. Stampede was hard enough to ride in the field with others and pretty much impossible to take out there alone. Phoenix I trust implicitly and we regularly rode out there alone. Pretty excited that the new guy seems like he will be willing to spend some evenings alone in the field with me.

Maestro’s first selfie

Saturday we had a lesson but instead of being in the “pony” ring (the smallest ring and thus where ponies show) with the hunter fences we were in the “west” ring which had fences up from the charity event a few weeks ago which had a gambler’s choice. I was interested to see how it would go since I had only done straight lines with Maestro like a good hunter rider. I shouldn’t have even worried about it at all, the guy isn’t bothered by the jumps and while the steering isn’t fully automatic we got around just fine with all the turns and everything even if they weren’t the most beautiful. Since I love doing medal classes this is all good news to me! Sure our lead changes need work and there was that one time I had to circle twice because someone just could not pick up the canter (so tired!) but it all felt good.

We both look so serious about me breaking off that after ride carrot

My parents came to watch the lesson and meet their new grandchild so I’m glad Maestro didn’t embarrass himself. I definitely need to work on my mom’s photography skills because the picture above was the best we got. She did somehow take a video using a bounce option which I don’t even know how to do. It’s really cute but only 2 seconds long (though it repeats) so instagram won’t let me post it. Love you mom!

He might have a little derp in there…

Yesterday was a day off for Maestro but I stopped out at the barn to work on some clipper desensitization and pulled his mane a bit as well. I’m thinking he will probably need a trace clip at least for the winter so I better get him comfortable now. His previous owner mentioned that he was a bit nervous about clippers and she wasn’t using them on him so I want to get him confident. Yesterday we went from snorting at them being on nearby to getting his muzzle, sides of his face, and neck rubbed with it while eating cookies. Good pony!

Maestro’s favorite part of my Sunday visit

Planning on a flat ride tonight although it will likely be too dark to ride outside by the time I get there.

Guys this having a horse to ride again thing is so fun!

Okay important life questions from someone who has only owned chestnuts – does this cooler work on him?

Yes or no?





  1. CobJockey

    Awwww, this makes me smile! I can tell you’re having so much fun with him. Also. it’s fun having been in that barn and being able to visualize where those pictures were taken!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thanks, it really has been so much fun thus far! Yes, you know all my locations, lol. Hopefully you will be able to stop by one of these days to see the barn at home and meet the new guy.

  2. Rachel Brooker

    I will have to see the cooler on him in person. I am not a fan of it in this picture but I liked mine on Tango so this should look good on Maestro!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Maybe tonight if we get to ride together?

  3. KC Scott

    He’s so handsome! Fun when you can ride out by yourself 🙂

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thanks! It is very nice and I’ve missed having the option since the boys came home. Phoenix was my go to for any kind of alone adventures. Of course now that the two are alone at home I’m pretty sure they would freak out if I tried to take one out of the sight of the other, lol.

  4. Erika

    I’m so glad it’s working out so well with Maestro. AND I’m glad that you went back to your public job (on a modified schedule). Believe me, I miss the work too, just not the crazy hours and if you’ve somehow managed to get one without the other then good for you!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thanks, I know we will hit a hard spot somewhere I’m sure but I’m having so much fun right now. So far so good on having both the work I like an not the worst of hours but I am interested to see how things go for April 15th!

  5. L. Williams

    Glad things are going well with Mr Maestro

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thanks, me too! It’s always a gamble starting with a new horse.

  6. Teresa

    It sounds like a great start and that you two are going to be a great team.

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      I’m hoping so!

  7. Stacie Seidman

    He sounds like a great find! I love that he’s so relaxed about new things. I really need my next horse to be more like that. All of the spooking from my current herd (Rio excluded obviously, he’s perfect) has made ME into a huge spook!
    As for the cooler, I think neutrals work on any color (hence the term neutrals!) so you should be good!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Yes I’m a bit of a spook myself sometimes from Stampede who would spook at real things and imaginary things and always had boogeyman spots. I’ve definitely spooked and not have Maestro spook with me, lol. Hopefully he continues this trend of being a good guy!

      My brown open fronts I think really do look ugly against his black lower legs sadly…still on the fence with the cooler. Maybe the thought is another color would look better but it’s not bad. I do have a nice navy cooler as well that was stampede’s fancy one.

  8. Emma

    He sounds so perfect!! Glad you are having so much fun settling back into the routine!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      I think he’s about as close as I was going to get and certainly can be molded further! Definitely having so much fun!

  9. Boss Mare Eventing

    What a good baby! I also have that cooler for my chestnuts haha

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Do you want to buy another? I feel kind of meh about it on Maestro, we shall see. He has definitely impressed me thus far, hopefully he keeps it up!

  10. Tracy - Fly On Over

    What a good baby horse! So brave <3

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      So far so good! 🙂


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