10 Years of Stampede!

Seriously a decade spent with the most special needs of gigantic chestnut thoroughbreds?! How can this be?

One gangly young Stampede 10 years ago

One gangly young Stampede 10 years ago

Stampede celebrated by going lame on his left front last Thursday…

Unhappy three legged pony

Unhappy three legged pony

Then popped an impressive abscess on Monday

Monday when the abscess popped

Monday when the abscess popped

He needed lots of treats to survive the trauma of hoof soaking

Insert carrots and cookies please

Insert carrots and cookies please

Still a bit ouchy at the trot but not surprising when you see the size of this thing!



It wouldn’t be a Stampede anniversary without some kind of doctoring required! Here’s to many more years of doctoring ahead!

Here’s a link to last year’s Stampiversary post if you are interested!



  1. Emma

    Aw happy horsiversary!!

  2. Hillary

    Ah the stump… He just loves all the attention that comes with being hurt maybe?

  3. Tracy - Fly On Over

    Oh man, 10 years! Congrats lady <3

  4. kalinann

    Happy ten years!! ♥

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thanks 🙂

  5. Alyssa Kelley

    That’s not a very nice present there, Stampy. At least you are frickin adorable!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Yeah I guess he enjoyed giving himself a few days off?


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