Saying goodbye to Reilly

Last weekend we finally had to say goodbye to Reilly, the dog who outlived several vet estimates and was always a fighter.I can’t even count the number of times I thought we were nearing saying goodbye over the years. In fact we got Juneau in December of 2013 because we thought he was nearing the end back then.

Old school

Old school

If you would like to read about his crazy history, I talked about it when we celebrated his 12th birthday. In fact Riles made it past 13.5 years old, really the life range of a normal dog.

Always a cuddler

Always a cuddler

Thank you for being the most obedient and cuddly dog I’ve ever met Reilly. I hope you are somewhere with full sight again and using those springy legs of yours to catch all those balls you couldn’t anymore. I look forward to the day we meet again and you thunk down against me with your whole body again just happy to share the space.

Run free sweet boy

Run free sweet boy



  1. Alyssa Kelley

    Aww, what a sweet and special boy. I’m so glad you got to spend as much time with him as you did. Lots of hugs your way!

  2. Tracy - Fly On Over

    <3 <3 <3

  3. Emma

    Aw very sorry πŸ™

  4. Lauren

    So sorry for your loss. There’s nothing like the love of a good dog.

  5. L. Williams

    I am sorry for your loss. He was a well loved dog. πŸ™

  6. jalean11

    So sorry to read this. πŸ™

  7. heartofhope10

    So many hugs!


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