Close Call

My ride with Stampede Saturday had a lot of ups and one almost all the way down.

The horse who could barely stand walk/trot rides in a Butet fell in love with a CWD (I had no idea how nice these saddles are honestly!). His trot already feels a 100 times better and his canter exists again. The CWD is shipping off tomorrow to get re-paneled then hopefully Stampede and I can continue on our path of improvement!

So first the down…

And a close up of when I seemed most likely not to make it through, lol.


Both of the following videos were taken after the one above. You can see in the first one he is still a bit frazzled, particularly when we canter through where he almost beefed.

Overall a good stump, this was just his third time cantering this month and first time doing lead changes this year.



  1. emma

    it’s kinda crazy that he feels so much better in the new saddle – but you can’t argue with what works! aside from that stumble he’s looking good!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      I do think it’s really odd since the Butet fits his back pretty well and the CWD as I was riding him in that video had to be shimmed or it was too low on his wither (really it was too low shimmed too but not touching). Yet he is so clearly happy in the CWD and is like his old self. Let’s hope it continues once it gets the panels adjusted!

  2. KateRose

    It’s amazing how much of a difference a saddle change can make 🙂

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Crazy how a saddle that appears to fit can still not create a happy horse. As long as I find something that makes the beast happy that’s all that matters!

  3. SprinklerBandit

    A good saddle makes a huge difference. Glad you found yours.

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      It’s odd because the Butet doesn’t fit him badly and is certainly a nice saddle but he is clearly happier with the CWD even when I have to shim it up to get it to fit for riding. Hopefully re-paneling will make it perfect!

  4. heartofhope10

    Glad the saddle continues to work it’s magic!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Yeah, quite shocking really how much it has changed him.

  5. Lauren

    Scary! Glad you stayed on.

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Me too, falling is never fun!


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