Hand Gallop Blog Hop: Tack Setup

Well two ponies = two tack setups 🙂


Butet saddle – possibly to be replaced soon if I can find something that makes him happier. His back has changed and fit is not that great anymore. Using Sprenger stirrups on this saddle. Prestige leathers because they are my favorite!



Mattes half pad (recently got one that takes shims so no more ugly green yoga mat shim for us!)

Tack setup in action earlier this week

Tack setup in action earlier this week

Red Barn leather girth with removable sheepskin lining since he’s a picky beast.

So much monogram :)

So much monogram 🙂

Aramas bridle – he actually has a show one and an every day one. Below is every day. Show one is a feed through monocrown with slightly wider bands.

Looking handsome

Looking handsome

Zandona open front boots

Ah monograms!

Ah monograms!


Antares saddle with Mattes half pad, Ogilvy profile pad, and cheapo synthetic fuzzy girth. Knock off flex stirrups and another set of Prestige stirrup leathers.




HDR monocrown bridle

Bridle side view

Bridle side view

Love silver on the brown leather!

Love silver on the brown leather!

Random no name bridle with hackamore which I can’t seem to find a picture of! We do easy hacks in it, frequently when I ride bareback.

Thinline bareback pad – previous review of this pad here.

Love this pad!

Love this pad!

For saddle pads I don’t have many options in brand since I need such a big size due to my big flaps but I have a couple Ogilvy large profile pads, some Tuffrider pads, and some EOUS pads which are marginal in size for my saddle.

Well I love talking tack so this was fun!



  1. Karley

    Seriously, I think we all love talking tack!! 🙂

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      I know a few people at my barn who are tack clueless and would have no idea what I was talking about though!

  2. emma

    both boys are so handsome!! and i actually might look into that red barn girth with the sheepskin option. my mare loves her fuzzy girths but i love leather… there’s gotta be a compromise somewhere!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thanks, I do love those boys! I love the girth and it is nice to be able to wash the sheepskin piece. Red Barn has an ebay store where they sometimes have deals if you keep your eye out. I actually got this one for cheap then custom ordered a bigger size later on when I realized I need more girth to be able to use my show pad.

  3. Stephanie

    I LOVE all of your monograms!!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thanks, I obviously love a good monogram and I love finding new places to put them!

  4. KateRose

    You are the monogram queen! 🙂

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      I feel like I’m behind on getting some new monograms going, need to work harder to live up to the title, lol.


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