What personality quirks does your pony have? What makes him or her special?
I asked my husband what personality quirks Phoenix has, because to me he’s pretty near perfect. His answer was that if you didn’t know him you would think he’s trying to bite you. Then he said, but he really is just trying to love you. 🙂
Mr. P loves to lick when he gets excited or has just had a tasty treat. Sometimes when I’m leading him he is just behind me licking my back. Occasionally he gets too excited and actually grabs with his teeth a little. Directly after that he will freak out all on his own because he knows he shouldn’t do that.
P has also learned that people give him more cookies when he puts his lip up, so it’s his go to trick.
Hmm, where to start…
Well first, he makes faces when he wants attention while in his stall. Faces that most people don’t take as friendly…
His sleep deprivation issues have been pretty special, although hopefully a thing of the past going forward. Old video below.
He hates to be brushed, unless you have found his itchy spots. He will make threatening faces or pick up his right hind leg at you otherwise.
He is paranoid of the wash stalls/grooming bays in the barn even though he has lived there for years. Being put in that area causes dancing around in the cross ties and many small poops. Oh, and he gives me black eyes in there sometimes.
Sometimes when you go to pick up his hind legs for anything other than hoof picking (read when I have to wrap down low and under his food for his nasty scabs) he will refuse to pick up the leg then just completely fling it up and almost fall over.

He does this, but while I’m trying to wrap his foot and he is hopping around at the same time. It’s fun…
Good thing I love him, lol.
I was once again too slow to link up, but here is the link to Beka’s original post.
lol love the pic of Phoenix ‘smiling’ haha
He does it at least once daily, he’s a silly boy!
Such characters the pair of them
♡ horses with abundance of personality
I do think I bring out personalities in horses, I don’t like it when they are so reserved when it comes to interaction. I would prefer if Stampede didn’t threaten me though, lol.
Amen, personality is all well and good but threats less so…hopefully once his ain’t get better he’ll be less grouchy/grumpy
I think the attitude stems from his original back pain since it took so long to diagnose, but seems to be somewhat habit now sadly. Hopefully it will fade with time if I can get his back completely under control. We will see.
Oh, god, I love licking animals. One of my dogs is a licker, but I’ve never thought about Archie doing it. He’ll let me play with his tongue occasionally. And he does the same weird leg hop stuff, but his balance sucks. 🙂
You would love my youngest dog Juneau then, she loves to lick. She will even walk up and start licking the other dogs.