Think Positive

I can’t really say exactly what has made me so sad with the outcome of this vet visit. Maybe just a final acknowledgement that working with a horse with arthritis in his spine is never going to be easy and Stampede will most likely never be able to do all the things I wanted us to be able to do together. Maybeย this rehab plan just feel likes a last chance.

Ready to go Monday morning

Ready to go Monday morning

I figure the easiest way to explain Stampede’s further diagnosis and rehab plan is just to put in the discharge notes. Cliff notes version below that.

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The cliff notes version is that he has kissing spines because of arthritis on the left side of his spine. As with any arthritis, it gets better with movement, so we are trying to make him comfortable enough to use his back and gain some correct movement and muscling by giving him Previcox and lunging him walk/trot daily. Since he has quite a bit of inflammation, he is also being iced daily.

Stampede trying out the Coldflex back blanket

Stampede trying out the Coldflex back blanket

I purchased a Coldflex back blanket in preparation before the vet visit since I knew I would need to ice him after workouts. I decided to try this option since it doesn’t require me to tote ice packs around. I’m not really happy with it because of several reasons: 1) I can’t put him in his stall because it isn’t held in place at all 2) You can’t cover it or it doesn’t work so he has to stand in the cold with nothing on at all 3) It is really slimy and slippery for me to handle 4) It only lasts so many uses, they say up to 25. The main upside is that it does get really cold! It is cold to the touch after just sitting in my tack box and Stampede starts steaming after a minute.

So I’m planning to buy an Ice Horse back blanket, but I can’t find any sales so far! Boo!

Future Stampede back ice blanket

Future Stampede back ice blanket

So we will hope for some luck here. The vet said he could guarantee him 100% return to flat work (particularly if we end up injecting, but he wanted to try without first since it didn’t look as bad as expected) but his return to jumping is unknown. And of course he will probably have on and off set backs regardless of his level of workload.

I just need to keep in mind that the worst case scenario is Stampede living at my house and me being poor and with even less time but with a third horse. Not the best situation but I will make it work if I have to because the boys are family forever.

So for now I’m the one annoying everyone in the indoor every night after lessons by lunging my horse.





  1. emma

    i’m glad it wasn’t as bad as expected – but still definitely a tough prognosis. good luck finding the new ice blanket (maybe one of these black friday deals will apply?)! and lots of hugs for you and Stampede too!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      So far no luck finding any deals ๐Ÿ™ I do have a $40 off coupon for my local tack shop and they are going to check into ordering it for me. They are notoriously slow getting things in though so we will see. Thanks for the support!

  2. CobJockey

    :-\ I wish it had been better news, but I’m glad it’s not worse news. More people should have your attitude of committing to a horse for life, too. I’m a good deal hunter, I’ll keep my eye out for the ice blanket for you.

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Yeah, I’m trying to be positive because the vet could have seen him and said to just retire him right then. Honestly, I can’t imagine not keeping my horses for life. After my parents sold Phoenix I made the choice that another horse wouldn’t leave me once I was attached. Hopefully I always have the money to back that up! My husband keeps saying we are going to end up with a retirement barn at our house, lol. Would love to find a deal on the blanket, but so far no dice and I need to order if fairly soon as the Coldflex only has 25 uses in it. Definitely let me know if you see anything!

  3. KateRose

    Can you wrap vet around his back and the girth area to hold it on? Might be a little bit more stable. I’m a lifer with all my horses too. Excited to hear how the rehabbing goes ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      I haven’t been putting the pad that far forward to do it at the girth, might not be happy if I do that further back, lol. Thanks, I hope the rehab goes well. It’s certainly a lot of work to lunge and ice every day!

  4. heartofhope10

    Rehab is so hard, but it sounds like there is some potential there. That said, it’s always hard to get rough news. Sending you hugs and good luck!

  5. L. Williams

    ๐Ÿ™ We have the ice horse tendon wraps and I really like them. Sorry the prog wasn’t as good as hoped but also glad it wasn’t worse :/

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      I have one ice horse tendon wrap from when P had the torn tendon a few years ago and it works really well so I’m hoping the back one will be just as good.

  6. Tracy

    Well I’m definitely glad that it wasn’t quite as bad as expected, but regardless rehab is tough and the bit about jumping being in question is particularly difficult. Hang in there! Hopefully you’ll begin to see some results soon and that will make it all worth it!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thanks! I’m hoping for results!

  7. Lauren

    I would be discouraged too, but there’s a lot of good news in there as well. Keep your head up!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      It’s definitely a mixed bag of news! It’s just hard to be positive sometimes.

  8. Karley

    Being able to flat is better then nothing ๐Ÿ™‚ here’s to him being as comfortable as possible and an easy process for you!!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      True story there. Hoping it works out!


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