
Still in thought about the last show of the season and the show season overall, so a post on that is yet to come. Figured I’d give some other updates on the boys now!

Firstly, I found out last week that I was actually reserve champion in my hunter division at the show last month so that was cool. Tracked down my ribbon, so now that is hanging in the living room.

New ribbon hanging on Stampy's portrait.

New ribbon hanging on Stampy’s portrait.

This week has been busy at work but fairly quiet on the equine front. P had the weekend off with the horse show, so I got on him Monday finally. He was pretty amped to canter in particular, so we worked for a while. I rode P again Tuesday after Stampede got his third shockwave treatment, this time a nice bareback ride.

Wednesday I came out to give the boys a quick graze with the husband’s help and found that Stampede had decided to be three-legged. No heat, no swelling, just a horse who is off on the left front. My guess would be an abscess, but not sure what’s up with that since before the one earlier this year on the right front Stampede has never had an abscess. I guess at least I already planned to give him some time off…

Thursday I ended up working later than I wanted so I needed to hurry with my ride. Hopped on P bareback again and went into the field where the bugs tried to carry us away. We had to be quick because there was also a storm coming in, so nothing exciting happened besides some human brain balancing. Afterwards the boys did some “grazing” in the aisle.

Good stuff at the bottom

Good stuff at the bottom

Tasty up high

Tasty up high

Tonight I again worked too late, but I knew I wasn’t going to ride because it was obscenely hot and humid out. On the way to the barn (with husband again!) the thunderstorm warnings started coming up on our phones. Boys got a quick graze then we hurried home.

A storm's a brewing

A storm’s a brewing

P eating at much as he can in the time alotted

P eating as much as he can in the time allotted

On the way home, yikes

On the way home, yikes

Planning to ride P tomorrow, maybe a flat lesson if I can convince myself to move soon enough in the morning. Cross your fingers Stampy is feeling better soon!




  1. Lauren

    Congrats on the reserve! Looking forward to reading about the show.

    1. stampyandthebrain


  2. Kate

    Lovely ribbon – congrats!

  3. heartofhope10

    Congratulations!! 🙂

  4. emma

    nice satin! hope Stampede is feeling better!


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