5 Day Challenge – Day 3

Wow it has been a crazy week! I started this post on Monday and never could get back to finish it! I’ll have to do a separate post about my week with the boys soon. The good news is that after I take care of a few things this weekend I’m off work all next week.

11. Critique your horse’s conformation

Handsome Stampy

Handsome Stampy

Not the best picture, since his front legs aren’t straight. Overall he has a great look and balance. He gets the appearance of being a bit over at the knee because of all the scar tissue from his sleep deprivation fumbles. His neck and back are a little long, which can make him a bit heavy on the forehand when he gets tired. He has trouble building a topline. Even though his head is large, it is very refined and fits his body well (which is also large, lol).

For comparison, two year old picture

For comparison, two year old picture

Mr P conformation shot at 22

Mr P conformation shot at 22

To me Phoenix is a nice build for an appendix Paint. He has the adorable quarter horse head like his dad but a more refined body. His shoulder angle is too upright, making his stride on the shorter side. He could still do strides down a line in his younger days, but his stride is much shorter now. I’m sure his years of western training while he was gone didn’t help that either. His neck could be a little more refined, but his leg conformation is very nice. He is a very versatile horse, more of a jack of all trades than a specialist. He has to be built pretty well since he’s still trucking at 24!

I’m sure I missed something, it’s hard to be negative about my boys, they are both so handsome. 🙂 I’d be interested to hear what others see. I’ve always meant to learn more specifics on conformation, but I think I have a good eye for seeing a nicely built horse.

12. Horse’s favorite riding exercise

Stampede loves a good challenge. He loves to do a figure eight and maintain his lead then go back and do the changes, which I also find really cool. He also just enjoys doing true equitation courses, hunter courses bore him at times.

Someone wanted to walk himself

Someone wanted to walk himself

Phoenix just likes to do anything you want to do. When i got him back he was a bit ring sour, so he loved to do any kind of work outside. We always do some hill work in the summer. In the end he is happy when he gets the answer to the question right.

13. Favorite spa day products

I guess I will assume a spa day is a bath day, because otherwise my routine of care is always the same. I like to use cowboy magic shampoo if it’s just a random bath, or the Epona oatmeal after exercise rinse if it’s after a ride. For the white parts, I just use Dawn dish soap, which gets the boys sparkling clean every time without that purple hue.

Mr P likes to keep his white clean

Mr P likes to keep his white clean

14. Three best things about your horse


1) His personality – I’ve never met another horse with as much personality and genuine happy demeanor.

2) His need to please me – This horse never stops trying. In fact sometimes his downfall is that he tries so hard that he gets flustered if he can’t get it right.

3) His definite preference for me over others – No other way to explain it, this horse loves me. If someone else is on him and I’m around he tries to get to me. When he knows I’m in the barn he watches me and lets me know if I’m taking too long to finish up with his brother.


1) His perseverance – This horse has been through so much. He didn’t have a very good start – pushed too hard too soon, and had a roar. With me he has had ulcers, his fall into the sinkhole, his various bouts with cellulitis, his sleep deprivation, and his kissing spines. Through it all, this horse has done everything I’ve asked and taken care of me in several situations.

2) His stride length – That naturally huge stride makes jumping courses so much easier. I don’t miss having to push and hurry to make it down a line.

3) His ability to teach me – I’ve never learned so much from a horse. He’s had so many different issues that I found myself taking the time to learn more because others weren’t able to help me. I read about nutrition, about hoof care, about any possible cause for Stampede’s issues under saddle (which was kissing spines), then about saddle fit. So many times I found myself asking professionals and getting no answers, so I went on a quest to find them myself. I’m forever empowered to take on my horse’s care head on because of what Stampede has taught me.

15. Favorite picture of your horse

Who has just one?

When I was reunited with Mr P. This photo always holds a lot of emotion for me.

When I was reunited with Mr P. This photo always holds a lot of emotion for me.

Jumping P when I was young. He was always so much fun.

Jumping P when I was young. He was always so much fun.

Seeing where Stampede and I started from.

Seeing where Stampede and I started from.

Getting glimpses of how awesome he can be.

Getting glimpses of how awesome he can be.

Seeing my boys together

Seeing my boys together

These boys bring so much light to my life!






  1. heartofhope10

    Your boys are adorable!

    1. stampyandthebrain

      Thanks, I love them!


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