Fall weather in the middle of summer

I hope that most of you are getting the amazing weather we are getting here in southeast Michigan! Highs in the 70’s make for perfect riding weather!

The view during my ride on P Monday night

The view during my ride on P Monday night

P has been hyper this week, I think because this is his favorite weather too. Riding P when he’s hyper is completely different from most horses though. He would never do anything stupid, he just won’t slow down to the pace you want. It always turns into me grinning while he runs around. Too bad I forgot my gloves at home Monday night…

How do people ride without gloves?

How do people ride without gloves?

By the way, I was able to put my Roeckl gloves in the washing machine and they came out great. Cold water and some air drying and they were no longer crusty or stinky. Woo hoo!

The boys love their nightly grazing

The boys love their nightly grazing

I did a lesson on Stampede Tuesday night. It was a long one with tons of people, which I find fairly frustrating. Stampede was very good on the flat, but I just could not seem to get my shoulders up and back enough. I feel like I have fairly good equitation otherwise, but I really have a hard time with that. Anyways, it was only our second time jumping since the elephant leg, and really the first time doing full courses, so I can’t complain about how he was. It is always hard to get him moving after he has a long break (lots of other people jumping) and then he is usually cranky about going at first. He was best for his equitation course (did a hunter course first), which is his usual. Looking forward to getting back into the jumping groove.

Stampy likes to rub his butt hair off for fun...

Stampy likes to rub his butt hair off for fun…

I tried to ride Stampy in a loose ring snaffle tonight instead of his usual rubber Sprenger Duo and he was not a fan. I’m always trying to find something he likes as much as the Sprenger but keeps his mouth shut. It might be a lost cause…

I tried putting a flash attachment on for a little while, but somehow he would manage to start pulling my noseband down which was making the flash part loose. Maybe I have it set wrong somehow? And I guess if that’s the worst thing about him under saddle I can’t complain too much.

Tomorrow both the boys will get the day off and I’m going shopping with one of my friends after I work a half day. Woo hoo!





  1. Hillary

    What does stampy rub his butt on way up there? Lol. Good to know about the gloves. I have a pair of roeckls that are stinky and crusty as well…. Will have to try that!

    1. stampyandthebrain

      Stampede likes to sit on his buckets…we go through several a year. He’s just special.

  2. Val

    Where do you board? From the corner of your picture the barn looks gorgeous!


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