After vacation pony updates

Let’s start with the trouble maker with the big leg. Stampede of course was on vacation while we were gone, besides getting his leg cared for. He went out for regular turnout with a naked leg each day, got the leg cold hosed for 10 minutes each day, and went for a walk and graze each evening before being put in a standing wrap at night. He did manage to avoid causing further trouble while I was gone so that is always good.

When I got back Christie told me she noticed his leg was warmer than normal still, which I agreed with. I called the vet about it and she thinks it’s just from all the trauma to the skin. I just don’t want it to blow up again so I’m a bit nervous. I decided that maybe he is getting some sun burn or something too, so last night I put some sun screen on it as well. Nothing but the best for the beast!

I managed to get P and hubs in my leg photo :)

I managed to get P and hubs in my leg photo 🙂

Even more hairless leg

Even more hairless leg

Poor hairless leg

Poor hairless leg

Side with the most hair left

Side with the most hair left

He also has this strange crust under his ankle, which I have started treating like his regular leg crusts by adding the “magic goo” and wrapping below his ankles on both legs to treat the stupid grossness.

Under the ankle crust, pretty inflamed

Under the ankle crust, pretty inflamed

I did get on Stampy on Thursday, he was getting restless without a job. We walked for 15 minutes and did a little trot. Even managed to walk in the field alone with no one else around after two weeks off. He was happy to trot along, but not quite right when he moved. He certainly doesn’t have the definition back in the leg, plus he has skin issues, so overall I thought he felt good for what is going on. I’m going to get on him again today and since there will be other people out riding I can get an opinion on how he’s moving as well.

Stampy has been a total weirdo about letting me pick that hoof and I’m hoping it’s just the crust. He can fling the leg out to the side no problem, which he regularly does when you try to cold hose it and after you wrap it. For some reason when you go to pick the hoof he refuses to pick it up and then hops around on the other leg when he finally tries to pick it up. Yesterday he added to the fun by then hopping backwards and popping the cross ties off the wall. Then he stands there looking surprised! Thanks Stampede! Last night he of course did this while I was trying to put the vetrap (self-adhering tape) on the area below his ankle, so that was extra fun. After that I gave him a good smack and hubs held him and he was a statue. I will have to take a picture of the silly horse in his whole wrapping garb, it’s pretty ridiculous.

On to the less troublesome beast. Christie and her mom rode P for me while I was gone. He got all good reports of course. He also got a pedicure while I was away. I rode him yesterday with Christie and her horse Mikey. We rode around out in the field and the bugs were not friendly. The boys were good out there, and both got to practice their flying lead changes. I hadn’t tried any with P for a while because when I would go across the diagonal he would automatically do a simple change so I figured he was uncomfortable with it. Since then though I had read another way to ask for lead changes that is more common in the western world so I decided to try it. Instead of just heading across the diagonal and asking for the new lead, you start asking for a leg yield after you make the turn to go across the diagonal, so you are holding the aid for the original lead, then once you’ve got the horse straight you switch aids to the new lead.

The first time I did this he got the back changed but not the front going left to right. The second time he got a full change. Going right to left he got the front then skipped through the back. We called it a day after that since that’s his hard way. I think getting back into changes in the long run will be good for his back end strength. On a mission to keep the boy around and able to do what he loves as long as possible.


P ready to go on an adventure

P ready to go on an adventure

Christie’s mom will be riding P today, and like I said I will do a little bit on big leg (I think that’s his new name).







1 Comment

  1. Karley

    Oh man… Still hoping for it to all heal soon- your poor boy!!


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