Rain, rain, go away

The last few day have been full of spring rain. Monday P and I got a quick ride in outside before the rain came. He was a nut though, which is unusual for him. Full of himself and taking advantage of his hackamore status to run around the field. We had a few conversations about his pushiness and ended on a good note.

Mr P grazing in the chilly air Monday night

Mr P grazing in the chilly air Monday night

Tuesday I had my first full lesson on Stampede. I was skeptical since we had to ride indoors because of the rain and there were way too many people in the lesson. Not to mention that Stampede started breathing fire while we walked across to the indoor. He settled in well though and I had a pretty good ride. He was almost lazy jumping, which was different, and is definitely staying straighter down the lines. He did seem a bit back sore today, but then again he may have just been angry at all the currying he’s been getting lately.

Sweaty Stampy cooling off in the rain last night after the lesson

Sweaty Stampy cooling off in the rain last night after the lesson

Today P and I were forced to ride inside since it rained hard all day. He was still fairly zippy, but the addition of a bit as well as the indoor being less exciting made for a more controlled ride. We jumped over a small X a couple times at the end and called it a night. Took both boys out to graze for a bit since the rain had stopped. It was squishy out but they enjoyed themselves.

Boys are back in turnout sheets tonight since it’s going to be in the low 30’s tonight. I like spring but I would like 40’s at night thanks. Brrr.



1 Comment

  1. Hillary

    Boo for the rain and the temperature decreasing again. That’s how it’s been here too.


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