Elephant Leg

Phoenix and I had another lazy bareback ride on Wednesday, nothing exciting. Thursday I rode Stampede, who was a bit excited after having a few days off. We did a nice hack then did a few flying changes with Christie since she’s trying to improve her horse’s changes. Friday I was extra lazy and Christie and I just took P and Mikey on a trail ride.

Trail ride

Trail ride

Saturday I got to the barn planning to do the 11:30 lesson. One of the barn workers was alone and attempting to bring in my horses as I drove in. Of course they were squishing him into the corner by the gate and evidently he couldn’t figure out what to do. I went out and grabbed Stampede and brought him in. He seemed fine then, but after sitting in his stall I pulled him out and he could barely start walking.

All I could find was that on the inside of his right hind leg by the stifle there was some heat and he didn’t want it touched. Here is a video of Stampede walking from his stall yesterday morning.

I had bought Stampede some large fly boots so he got to try those on. After discussing the situation with the vet we assumed some kind of turnout injury so I put some liniment on his leg, gave him some bute (pain reliever), and took him out for a walk and some grass.

New big size fly boots

New big size fly boots

Mom, my leg feels messed up

Mom, my leg feels messed up

Grazing, right hind certainly not looking abormal

Grazing, right hind certainly not looking abnormal

After that I went out to watch Christie and her mom ride. Mr. P was enjoying a good ride with Christie’s mom.

Mr. P on his Saturday right with Christie's mom

Mr. P on his Saturday ride with Christie’s mom

I went home after that and continued with my day running errands until I got a text from the barn manager telling me that Stampede’s back leg was huge and he was pawing like crazy in his stall. By the time I got to the barn she had given him some Banamine (pain reliever and fever reducer) and gotten him out of the back door of his stall so she could hose his leg. When things like this happen to Stampede (no, this is not the first time) he is nearly impossible to get to move, so getting him outside was a feat. After some cold hosing and another phone consultation with the vet I gave Stampede some SMZ’s (antibiotics) and left him for the night eating his hay.

Last night back in his stall wrapped for the night

Last night back in his stall and wrapped for the night

The barn manager gave him some more Banamine this morning since he was off his hay again (he hasn’t eat grain for a bit now). By the time I got to the barn he was back to munching on hay, and thankfully was willing to eat grass while I hosed his leg in the rain for 20 minutes. Honestly it doesn’t look much better, but I’ve been here before and it never goes away as fast as I would like. I also gave him his second dose of SMZ’s while I was out there.

Elephant leg this morning

Elephant leg this morning

Headed back for another cold hosing in a little bit. Going to be a long week of meds, cold hosing, and wrapping.







  1. Lauren

    Oh no! I hope Elephant legs turns back into gazelle (or probably just regular horse) leg soon.

  2. Hillary

    Eek. I wonder what he did to himself. Horses… Wishing stampy a speedy recovery!

  3. L. Williams

    Oh no! Hope he feels better

  4. Beka

    I have those fly boots! I love them!

    And I’ve seen the elephant leg before. How long does it normally take for him to get back to normal? The time I saw it, the caretaker wasn’t nearly as on point as you and your BM. Hope the swelling goes down soon!

    1. stampyandthebrain

      I’m glad someone else has them! I think they run big actually, I might move that set of warmblood size to his back legs (once they are normal sized) then get regular horse ones for the front. It’s strange because he didn’t fit in my other horse’s kensingtons at all.

  5. Karley

    Yikes!!! Hope its better in no time!

    Henry had fly boots and love them! 🙂


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