Mr. Consistency

Since my horses are very much opposites in many ways, Mr. P is definitely the consistent one. He spooks roughly twice a year, has a back that fits easily in stock saddles, tries hard every ride, and loves to work.

How can you not love this face?

How can you not love this face?

Now that P is happier with his feet (thank you new shoes!) I’m finding he is even more willing to use himself which is nice. Kind of a duh type of result but a great one just the same. Sometimes you don’t fully realize the extent of something like that until later, especially when you have some expectations of old age affecting things.

He's the color of fall leaves <3

He’s the color of fall leaves <3

When you have one special and sometimes difficult horse it is really nice to then have a really easy horse to ride. I think it helps me keep a nice balance and perspective with both of the horses.

He never tires of posing for selfies either.

He never tires of posing for selfies either.

It also helps me really appreciate Mr. P. I know I’m lucky to have him in my life a second time and lucky to still have him around and rideable at 26. I certainly try to make every second count that he remains on this earth with me.

Field rides are the best rides

Field rides are the best rides

I hope someday I own another horse with as much heart and consistent work ethic as Mr. P, but he may be a once in a lifetime pony!



  1. emma

    aww i’m so glad you have a horse as sweet as Phoenix! i’m sure he’s just as equally happy to have found his way back to you too

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      He probably just wishes he didn’t have to share me with his brother, lol.

  2. SprinklerBandits

    He sure is a cool horse.

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thanks! I really think he’s special but I never know if it’s just one of those things where since he’s mine I’m biased, lol.

  3. Tracy - Fly On Over

    I’m learning that having a “easier” ride when you’re struggling is SO helpful. It really gives me some of the emotional distance I need to ride effectively when things are tough.

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Yeah I really struggle with how hard to push Stampede and it’s difficult not to take it personally when he’s not improving as I would like. Plus he’s so “vocal” about his opinion on things. P really creates an environment without expectations that I can enjoy and his love for a good ride in the field is equal to mine. Plus I’ve realized that while I miss jumping I can be happy just riding around and working on other things. I’m not that horribly old yet and I can jump again later on if need be. Hopefully sooner rather than later but it is what it is.

  4. Megan

    I have such a hard time with the fact that he is 26, he does not look anywhere near 26, he’s like twelve to me. It’s so nice to have such a steady eddie horse around, I really love hopping back on my old guy in his retirement just to feel that sort of consistency again. No matter how long he’s had off, he’s always just the same horse.

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Yeah sometimes I forget how old he is. His stride is a bit shorter now and his belly is a bit bigger but he’s still the same happy pony that I did so many crazy and fun things with in my teens. I hope someday Stampede finds that consistency but it seems ever elusive, likely due to his back issues but maybe it’s just him.

  5. Lauren

    I love P <3 that last picture of y'all cantering in the field is great!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thanks! The field is our favorite place. 🙂

  6. carey

    Big fan of P. He really has the cutest face 🙂


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