How To: Barn WiFi

A while back I mentioned that my husband had found a way to get the internet from our house to the barn wirelessly over 300 feet away. At one point I started to write how to do it, but it really required direction from said tech friendly husband who had actually done the install.

It just so happens the husband has gotten into making YouTube videos of various barn and horse related items he finds interesting. So here’s how you can get WiFi using a wireless bridge that can work over a mile away. With bonus drone footage of Morstone Acres. <3

If you’d like to follow the Morstone Acres YouTube Channel, click here.

If you happen to be interested in web development, you should also check out my husband’s other channel, Ask Cloud Architech.

Ernie and I are gearing up for our last horse show of the season next weekend. After that Ernie will have his annual vacation at home while I deal with another tax return deadline. Excited to have him in the backyard for a bit.


1 Comment

  1. Teresa

    Thank you for sharing this!


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