Had to join in on this great blog hop from Alberta Equest.
What’s the best thing that happened to you in 2020?
Personal: Working from home. Losing the commute, having access to eat my favorite foods and snacks during the day that previously I felt were too much work to pack, and having my husband and dogs as coworkers are all my favorite things!
Horsey: Working from home also allowed me to be more available for the horses. Phoenix was able to get acclimated to the spring grass without a muzzle since I was home to open the pasture gate when I wanted. I was also able to attend farrier and vet appointments. Considering the amount of dental work Phoenix had done this year it was a really good thing.
What’s the worst thing that happened to you in 2020?
Honestly I was very lucky that my worst things weren’t that bad, I feel horrible for many who lost so much more this year.
Personal: Between COVID and the presidential election a lot of people showed their true colors and they weren’t pretty. I have found myself very disappointed by several people in my life and have now distanced myself emotionally from them. Having a pay cut for a while was also stressful.
Horsey: Not being able to ride or see Ernie when the barn closed down was really difficult. I’m very hands on and particular with care. If I’d owned Ernie at the time he would have come home for a vacation instead but it was what it was.
What was your biggest purchase in 2020?
Personal: My husband got a Tesla Model 3 which was certainly expensive but it’s been so fun watching him with a car he’s dreamed about owning since they came out. Plus he let me name the car and his name is Bert.
Horsey: Ernie!
What was your biggest accomplishment in 2020?
Personal: Still having a successful tax season and ending it with a pay raise coming in January 2021.
Horsey: Getting comfortable and trusting my equine partner. Ernie made so many things fun again – riding in the field, jumping, showing. I’m so lucky to have such a great horse who is truly game for anything.
What do you feel COVID robbed you of in 2020?
Personal: Seeing some of my good friends, particularly those that live out of town that we usually go on trips to see. Oh and going out to dinner!
Horsey: Riding time for a bit when everything closed down, but also time spent hanging out with barn friends.
Were you subject to any COVID Impulse Buys in 2020?
Personal: I’d say my impulse buys were purely horse related, lol.
Horsey: My favorite item I impulse bought is a gorgeous Pup & Pony Co. halter and lead rope set. 100% worth it.
Honestly I had some good things mixed into my 2020 that I’m so thankful for. <3
So glad you found Ernie and love that the car is named Bert!! Happy New Year (a bit early) Here is to better things in 2021 (PLEASE!!)
Happy New Year! I think early 2021 will likely suck as well but hoping summer finds us all in a much better place. <3