Scenes at Morstone Acres

The evening after getting home from California I had a weird episode where I suddenly felt incredibly tired and body heavy and like I was going to pass out if I was standing. I went to bed and still couldn’t function in the morning – ultimately sleeping from 10 pm to 1 pm the next day and still spending the rest of my day on the couch. After sleeping another almost 14 hours the next night I reached the point where I am now – able to walk around and do stuff but just feeling tired all the time and muscle weak. As a supremely independent and stubborn person who is very busy I’ve really struggled this past week. After a week away I needed to ride Maestro (he needed work and I needed my mental health) so I did but kept it light. He’s really such a good egg! Trainer is going to ride him today and jump him so he can get a real workout in. I head to the doctor this afternoon hoping for some answers so I can get back to full speed soon.

When I got back from my trip (before feeling like poo!) I went out and gave the chestnut boys a good grooming. I was so happy to see Stampede holding his weight (actually he has gained the last couple months) with the addition of alfalfa to his diet.


Not bad for a retired hard keeping special needs horse!

With my amazing parents helping me with the stalls at home lately it appears the chestnuts are getting on point with their treat begging.

We are sorry you don’t feel good but we really need some cookies

We are majestic beasts on high alert

Yesterday after getting home from work I sat down on the bed for a minute and looked out the window to see some ponies hunting for bits of grass since the snow is currently melted (ie there is mud, ugh) and it just made me smile. I’m so lucky to have these boys at home.

Who doesn’t dream of ponies outside their window? Plus bonus Roxy ears 🙂




  1. emma

    your boys always look so happy and relaxed in all your pics – must be such a good feeling! hope you’re otherwise feeling better soon!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      It’s such a great feeling being able to give them a good retirement. Stampede still has his fruitcake moments but he’s really turned into a big dog at home which is fun. Thanks, I’m ready to get back to normal!

  2. martidoll123

    hope you feel better. I did that when i got the flu it was like i hit a wall. I hope you dont have some form of flu. Please rest and don’t do too much till you feel better. I love all your critters and I just finally went back and read all about Stampede and Phoenix so am all caught up now 🙂

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thanks, me too! I originally thought flu but then I looked up symptoms and it didn’t really fit since I don’t have any respiratory symptoms. Maybe some other virus although we are going on a week now already. We will see what the doctor thinks! I’m seriously the worst at resting, I keep getting yelled at!
      Thank you for reading!

  3. Tracy - The Printable Pony

    That scene looking out your window is every horse-crazy little girl’s DREAM!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      I know! Sometimes I start to get a little ugh why with winter dragging on but it truly is amazing having them home and being able to walk out and see them all the time (at least three times a day, lol). Summer was such an amazing experience.

  4. Genny - A Gift Horse Blog

    Ha, their cookies faces are too cute!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      My parents have turned them into extreme cookie monsters, especially Stampede!

      1. Genny - A Gift Horse Blog

        But…maybe that’s why he’s so nice and fat? It could be good!

  5. Holly

    Love that cookie mugging face! Hope it’s not the flu, it’s nasty this year and you could just not be presenting all the symptoms 🙁 Take it easy no matter what it is and let your body recover!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      All the tests came back normal so who knows. I still don’t feel right but they said they won’t look at anything further for another few weeks so here I am slogging along.

  6. Teresa

    The flu tends to hit me like that as well. Another option is jet lag and your body saying that ti needed to reset itself. I smile every time I look out my window and see my horses. It is a dream come true.

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      I’ve never had jet lag before so not sure if it could be that. I tend to get more sleep on vacation than I do at home and about the same activity level with maybe more food, lol. I think maybe I just overloaded myself trying to get caught up after coming back but I still don’t feel right a week and a half later. 🙁 Tests all came back normal so waiting it out for a bit now.

  7. Stacie Seidman

    Ugh, hope you’re feeling better soon! Hopefully it’s just a little bug and will be all gone in no time. Your boys look great though!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thanks, still not quite right but slogging along at this point. The boys looked great until P got this abscess, lol. Crossing my fingers it will pop soon, vet doesn’t want to dig in his heel for it and compromise them since they are already low.

  8. draftmare

    Their treat begging skills are on point! Hope you feel better soon!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Years of practice, lol. Eh, still not right but hopefully one of these days…


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