Ponies Coming Home – The Realization of a Dream

Last weekend preparations continued for ponies coming home…

Big Red looks good with a pallet of bedding

Stampede prepped by eating grass with me in order to avoid tummy upset

P and I had our last ride at HR Tuesday night, made even better by getting to spend the ride with my best friend

My friend D and her horse (Phoenix’s girlfriend) Willow left us the cutest note with some treats for the boys.

Then yesterday….

When your Stampede only fits in the big trailer…

Walking down the driveway

My husband walking Mr. P
down the driveway while taking a picture

Walking into the barn for the first time

The face of an unsure Stampede – this was right before he found out the door opening is not as tall as it was at HR…

Those treats from D and WIllow are a good distraction though

P thought so too

Then they posed for some cute photos I could share…

There’s so much grass out there!

More treats please

Their first time outside in the pasture a couple of hours later included a bit of trotting around and some staring following by lots of cuteness.

Synchronized grazing

Synchronized gawking

Then this morning the view from my bedroom window while the boys were outside was truly amazing

Long sigh of peacefulness

The boys are both a bit stressed of course and very much attached to each other right now but thank goodness for ulcergard. I know things will settle in soon enough. I’m missing my friends at HR already but I’m sure soon enough a new horse will be found and I’ll be back out there more as well. Until then I’ll just sit here and take in the fact that my lifetime dream has come true. My boys are in my backyard!

Thank you so much to all the people who helped me achieve this dream. My husband who allowed me to do this despite it not being his dream, proceeded to help me transform our property into something beyond what I had dreamed of, and managed to get pictures of the boys arriving all while leading P in as well. My parents who came out to help many times and listened to my rants as I tried to figure out how to make things work logistically and financially. My best friend Jessica who helped me figure out my stalls and fencing, provided tools, listened to even more of my ranting, helped with moving the ponies yesterday, and will continue to deal with my messages as I adjust to ponies at home status I’m sure. All my blogger friends who have taken the time to provide advice and encouragement as I worked through this process and all my other non blogger friends who did the same. I couldn’t have achieved this dream without such a great group of people supporting me. Thank you all!


PS Barn naming contest ends tomorrow 6/2 at midnight!



  1. Leah

    Whoo hoo! Congrats on having the boys at home! ?

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thank you!

  2. KateRose

    Congratulations! It’s totally my dream to look out my window and see my horses – enjoy it 😀

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thank you, it’s pretty surreal at this point!

  3. Emma

    Ahh yay!!! Congrats on finally fulfilling that dream – they look great out there!! 😀

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thank you, I do think they improve the view!

  4. Hillary H.

    Yay! Congrats! Now to find pony 3.0

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thank you! Yes, time to add a new member to the family!

  5. Karen M

    I am so happy for you! Have fun (as much as is possible anyway) pony shopping!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thank you! Yeah I’m not sure if pony shopping will be fun…I’m trying to be positive.

  6. The Exquisite Equine

    So, so happy for you! I know how amazing this feels!!!!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thank you, it’s a cool feeling. Love looking out the window and seeing them grazing happily. They will be even happier when they are allowed to stay out there longer!

  7. KC Scott

    That is awesome! Definitely the dream. Enjoy having the boys home!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thank you, so far I’m loving having them here. I think the feeling may be mutual for them. 🙂

  8. Tracy - Fly On Over


    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Thank you! You really need to come visit! 😉


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